Galaxy S2 falls from the sky...

12 May 2012
... and kills a slug (or a snail, I can't work out which it was).

My Samsung Galaxy SII was strapped to my Quadrotor using foam and cable ties. I ascended quite high and the quad flipped upside down and started falling (possibly accelerating) towards the ground. I tried to correct it but it kept flipping back upside down.. the ground getting closer .. THUNK! Some clouds started to obscure the quad and I think some moisture might have cause the gyros to short...

The best bit was the whole lot was recorded and I've popped it on YouTube for everyone to enjoy. The phone survived, in fact, I cannot tell of any damage to it. The quad wasnt too badly damaged and they've both been flying again this evening (no crashes!)

Falling from the sky:
removed due to swearing

A flight where it doesn't fall:
22 Nov 2005
isnt it illegal to fly around with a camera near a residential area?

i cant remember the exact laws but when i was finding out what the laws were for flying rc helis im sure one of them forbids any kind of surveilance drone ie (heli/quadcopter with a camera strapped to it) beeing anywhere near houses etc
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