The only reason you don't like it or the fact ORNL even used AMD CPUs is in the past,is it debunks the fact AMD is "buggy" and unfortunately for you almost all new generation Airbus and Boeing commerical and military airlifters actually have their cockpit display systems powered by AMD chips.
You are immensely clueless that all chips have errata,going back to the Pentium days,and that affects chips from both companies.
This is a recent one:
Yet I didn't see you talking much about that.
Plus what has any of these Intel or AMD errata or GPGPU have to do with gaming also,especially when sadly for you both the major consoles are running "buggy" AMD CPUs and GPUs means,that if anything for gaming which is the focus of the OP,it should mean AMD is better characterised than Intel or Nvidia going by your logic.
All you are doing is trying to spread rubbish about AMD having more faults in a gaming thread when both Sony and MS seem sufficiently not worried,let alone Airbus or Boeing.
If you have an issue with that you might want to talk to MS,Sony,Airbus and Boeing.
Oh,also sadly for you MS has also said they are using Ryzen for Azure and Baidu too:
I would rather trust those companies than some hardware enthusiast on a forum who is panicking about errors.
If you are that scared,use an abacus.
Oh,another thing I hope you NEVER overclock,or never use non-ECC RAM in your gaming systems.
Since overclocking increases the changes of out of spec errors,including anything over 2400MHZ Ram on an Intel system as that is out of spec,and non-ECC RAM has greater chance of issues cropping up over longer runs.
I also sincerely hope you never use an aftermarket card design as they also run out of official reference spec.
Also non-certified gaming drivers are usually much more buggier than certified drivers,so I would expect running games scares you.
This is why Intel and AMD always release new drivers with "bug" fixes.
BTW,I expect all your drives are running in RAID5,just in case you have an error and it needs correction??
I assume you have one of those server PSUs,with dual power sections(in case one fails??).
Got to say your gaming system sounds like it will probably survive the next solar flare cycle!!