OSX Safari Youtube issue

21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
How do I remove the overlay (with the play bar scrubber, video name, etc) when playing youtube in full screen? In Chrome if I don't move the mouse it just disappears but for some reason this isn't the case in Safari.

Running vanilla Safari OSX Sierra only extension is Adblock Plus.

EDIT: Ok it's happening in Chrome too. This wasn't happening this morning. Earlier this evening I was screwing around in Safari settings mostly to do with privacy and what not and I appear to have screwed something up system wide. Any idea what it might be? When I'm more awake tomorrow I will screw around again and attempt to un-do my screw up. If Anybody can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated. Thanks folks.

MORE EDIT: After significant googling it appears that this is a common problem and it just started today for most people? What the heck?
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