So I've been running on F11 for a while now and last night I shut down as usual and this evening it took a while to get into Windows. Once in I check to see if everything was set up to 3600MHz and it wasn't so I restarted and selected the profile I created. Again start up took a while and noticed the Aorus screen was like it was before.
Back in windows I check the clocks and restarted and it's back to F3.
Now I understand the Dual BIOS but does this mean the one that I installed F11 on is borked? I did nothing last night that should havet caused any issues.
Do I just flash the bios again or will this flash the second bios chip. Does this mean I have to RMA the board?
Back in windows I check the clocks and restarted and it's back to F3.
Now I understand the Dual BIOS but does this mean the one that I installed F11 on is borked? I did nothing last night that should havet caused any issues.
Do I just flash the bios again or will this flash the second bios chip. Does this mean I have to RMA the board?