The *Official* Flight Sim Freeware Thread



18 Oct 2002
Hope I am OK starting this, as the other FSX thread is so big it's hard to find anything in there.

Please post your top bits of freeware only, stating which versions of FS it works with, and at least 1 good picture (No wider than 1024 pixels please).


AI Airlines

Project AI (Free 'Real Life' traffic) [FS9/FSX]
World Of AI (Good alternative to Project AI with an FSX installer)[FS9/ FSX]


Aero Commander 500 with virtual cockpit[FS9/ FSX]
Cessna 150 with virtual cockpit[FS9/ FSX]
IFDG Addon Aircraft [FS9/FSX]
Piper Arrow III With Virtual Cockpit [FS9/ FSX]
Project Airbus A320 (Many paintjobs)[FS9/ FSX]
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Ok so my first pick is the EXCELLENT Project AI.

Forget all those payware programs offering you a handful of planes and routes (often innaccurate and poor quality) when this excellent app does the job for nothing!

Currently only for FS9, but you can get it working perfectly in FSX by doing this:

Assuming you have never installed FS9 on your current setup:

Download the FS9 installer here
Create a directory called "Aircraft" under your FSX root
Run the installer and point it at your FSX root
Download/ install the airlines you want (there are packages plus millions of extra planes and routes and terminal layouts)
Copy the contents of FSX\Aircraft to \FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes
Enjoy! :)

Now with slightly better images... I added about 5 airlines and headed for Bristol (EGGD) and this is nowhere near what it will look like when I install all packages...


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interested in this, desiced to buy fsx as its only £15. Last time i played properly was version 4 :( (still remeber fltsim4.exe from dos :D)
interested in this, desiced to buy fsx as its only £15. Last time i played properly was version 4 :( (still remeber fltsim4.exe from dos :D)

Yeah it's definately worth it- I have now installed about 60 different airlines & a few airport templates- it looks stunning :cool:
I'm more of a 'prop' guy and my favourite freeware prop is the Piper Arrow III. This particular model works in FSX, has a highly detailed virtual cockpit unlike most freeware craft and has great flight dynamics.

It can be downloaded here as well as many other places by Googling FSX Piper Arrow.

Some pics of the Piper Arrow III at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris:



Project Airbus

The best A320 out there, despite the lack of wingflex. Check on AVSim for the various packs.

Plenty of screenshots on their forums of all the different livery repaints, and more being added each day.

I'll post a screenshot of one at the weekend once I get the opportunity.
I would say graphically it is better, but PAI wins for sheer number of airlines and routes.

I have heard the two are compatible though (i.e. WOAI can install PAI packages) and that WOAI has a better installer....
Do you guys find these AI programs have a major hit on the framerate?
Yes. You'll need to trade resources in other areas to get a good experience from AI traffic but once you hit the sweet spot it adds a great dimension to the sim.
Next up I have shamelessly pulled a freeware from the official FS thread.

A Cessna 150 with 3D virtual cockpit and excellent flying characteristics.

Cessna 150

Anyone got any links to some good scenery packs? Preferably, but not necessarily, free. Cheers.
I installed World of AI and the British airways package. Going to heathrow is a joy to see. But my FPS went from 20-25 to 8-10 hehe I'm not surprised though when I choose aircraft for heathrow I get a list of over 35 to view and quite a few stands are full. With lovely british airways planes. Quick question when you install these AI packages is there a way to turn the default planes off so you only have real life aircraft liveries populating your ports?
*bump* Is there a way of turning off the default planes? and just using the new Ai ones? Just upgraded my computer for fsx but think im going to stick with 9 for the moment with all the addons,
interested in this, desiced to buy fsx as its only £15. Last time i played properly was version 4 :( (still remeber fltsim4.exe from dos :D)

Where for £15?

Make sure you have a mother of a machine to run it. I'm getting 20-30FPS av on my rig with medium/high settings. Otherwise FS9 may be a better bet.
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