I can't get my floppy disk drive to work in windows xp. i stick a disk in (numerous disks in fact) and whatever i try to do with it, windows tells me there's no disk in drive a. i need to sort this as i need to make a boot disk to flash my bios.
Have you checked the ribbon cable is on the correct way round?
Make a bootable CD instead
Ah, so it's in your PC at work, then there is every chance that you are not allowed to access disks. If it is a networked PC, then there are some nifty tools that IT depts use to stop you using it.
nice one. bootable cd is ready to rock and roll. are bootable cds reliable?
You may try just making boot CD to boot to just to see it works, then make a bcd1 with your flash utility / BIOS file in.