What the Hell?

well i had just left a service station in Stafford, counted north on the M6 for about 10 mins and saw a large fork of lightening light up the sky in front of me, pretty cool i thought and then it did it again a few mins later.
So im there hammering along, favorite song turned up again thinking that was pretty cool when all of a sudden its starts to rain, and boy do i mean rain! Cue me doing 40mph completely blinded by the rain struggling to see where the hell im going trying to focus on the lights of the car in front which are only just about visable. After a few mins of this a lorry wants to move into the middle lane where i am so i indicate to move to the outside lane, accelerate a bit only to be greeted with my wheels spinning and complete lose of any traction, road was total slush :eek: Regained control and proceeded to drive blind by rain and spray from lorries (the wind was stupid, felt like my car was going to be thrown from left to right) and that last for about 15 mins, worse driving experience to date!
It started to hail as I was riding home from work along the M6.. not fun. Beautiful lightning though, lit up the sky for what seemed like miles.
The film "Day after tomorrow" suddenly pops into my head, seems like the UK is having an extreme of weather this evening..
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