weight for 6foot3

At that height you should be just shy of 15st. I'm just under 16st at 6'3" with a low b/f but technically it's classed as nearly obese. It all depends on your constitution.
I'm 6ft 3" and 11st 6.

Use to be 9st when I left Uni, over the last 3 years I've made an effort to put on weight but it's bloody hard! Joined the gym 4months ago and that has seen me put on the most weight in the 3 years, almost a 1st thus far.

No clue what my BMI is.
You lot are still young, you'll develop more when you hit 30, trust me. As for gaining weight in the short term, don't eat crap and add fat as it won't make you look big, just fat. Lean mass is incredibly difficult to add if you're naturally skinny so a combination of fat and muscle is probably the way to go. Eat plenty of good carbs, protein and fats, then squat and deadlift.
Theres a pretty good sticky at the top of this forum :rolleyes:

I guess people get put off by it when they read the word "body building", but really how else are you going to gain weight unless you want to go fat.

ok :rolleyes:

I'm not disciplined enough to stick to routine diets and exercise without fail so i'll have to stay slim and hope to get bigger when I hit 30! :p
Thats the thing I've been trying to do Ed, I just can't eat big meals and my physical food intake is not enough but I physically can't eat anymore!

Saying that I'm still really really happy with the improvement since joining the Gym, I look better and feel better but I'm still on the first few steps of a long path at the moment.
I have exactly the same issue due to past eating problems, im trying to work around it with protein and meal replacement shakes.

I take a meal replacement shake with my lunch (as I love milkshakes!) Rather than an actual replacement. I'm hoping that over time if I eat as much as I can day in day out I'll grow into being able to eat more but thats not really happened yet.

Hope the eating problems are sorted out fella, I've got a friend who has special meal replacement shakes from the GP which have stupid amounts of stuff in them! much better than the Complan I'm using, can't say I ever had an eating problem of any note but I just don't particularly enjoy day to day food and could happily go without food for a day without it bothering me.
Thats the thing I've been trying to do Ed, I just can't eat big meals and my physical food intake is not enough but I physically can't eat anymore!

Saying that I'm still really really happy with the improvement since joining the Gym, I look better and feel better but I'm still on the first few steps of a long path at the moment.

you dont need to eat big meals.

Think if you need 2800kcals to grow:

800kcal for breakfast should be easy, then 4 meals of 500kcal (which is rather small tbh).

how does this sound; Im 6ft at 12 stone. used to be close to 15 (was a bit fat)
is this atm good?

Good for what?

Well done for losing the weight but how good it is depends on what your aims are. It is a respectable enough weight in that you won't be overweight or clearly underweight but measuring in pure weight terms doesn't necessarily give a good indication of healthiness apart from at the extremes.
Lennox Lewis is 6'5", his maximum boxing weight was over 18 stone (256 lbs) and I doubt he was carrying much fat at the time.

On the other hand I'm 6'1" and a bit. Currently 17 1/2 stone (down from 19 1/2 two years ago) and am definitely still quite lardy.

I have a couple of friends around that height and weight and they're definitely very fit. One was captain of his university's rowing team. The other is in the army.

Edit: Over 6 years ago had a health check by a GP when I was about 16 stone. They said I didn't need to lose weight. Shame I went off in the other direction...
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