I've decided today is the last day of the cut. I'm off for my last HIIT session.
I would have liked to have stuck it out till Monday but just find it's a bit impractical. Lots of times today in the workshops where I got light headed today. I miss lifting like a nutjob and I'm sick to death of cardio/HIIT. I can get through the day but energy levels are effecting my work and I've also a practical sessesment this weekend I don't fancy muffing up.
I'm also fed up of being smaller than I'm used to!
9KG's is enough for me.
I might be able to have a b/f% test today, if not I'll still have it done on Monday anyway as I doubt it will have shifted much or at all.
Unfortunatley I'm not at home so can't get photo's in the same place/lighting. I'm a bit concerned that loading creatine may bloat me or that I'll swell up with water
So here's a front shot from X-mas and then 2 front shots from the other day. I think I've 'popped' my lats in the front one but can't see them at that angle (they're not that small honnest )
You'll have to put up with the white I can't be bothered to crop it!
The lighting in my room makes me look a little 'flat' and also hides my upper chest deffinition. Hopefully you get the jist!
Nice one Benny. Can really see the definition even in the harsh lighting
Personally I wouldn't worry about the creatine bloat, as I'm always biggest when I come off. Even when I loaded really heavy spread out throughout the day last time. I think its due to having a 4 day weekend and eating well, but as a rule I look bigger when I come off
Feels good to prove to myself I know what I need to do to cut now. As this was my first ever and quite a long one at that. Probaly why it was quite tough. Think I'll be a fan of shorter stricter cuts!
Could see quite clear striations on the inner upper pec and also my shoulders on a back double bicep pose. Lots of clear seperation on all deltoid heads & pec when doing side raises the day before yesterday
I'm not too worried about the bloat per se. But just it covering up my hard work when I get some decent progress pics in a weeks time Got a bf% test on Friday
Planning on loading 6grams upon waking before breakfast, 6PWO or 1 hour after lunch on rest days and then 6grams before bed with my slow release shake.
Is it best to take it with breakfast? or seperate from food? Can't wait to go and train chest tomorrow and to actually have some energy and get some pump! Reason for 6grams is because its 2 5cc scoops which is nice and easy.
Typical as soon as I finish my cut my hunger pains die
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