What is this insect thing?

I'm sure it's harmless...

Try and find another one, when they come out they'll fight to the death, it'll be spectacular!

Or, probably they'll just come out and fly around a bit, unable to find the window or doors until you smush them with a rolled up copy of Hustler.
All this fuss over a baby moth...

...I can't wait for the "OMG WAT IZ DISS???" threads when the zombie apocalypse happens!
All this fuss over a baby moth...

...I can't wait for the "OMG WAT IZ DISS???" threads when the zombie apocalypse happens!

I don't know what's more amusing, asking 'What is this?' in such a childish manner, or the fact that in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse there would still be people posting on OCUK....

"Spec me a bludgeoning weapon!"
"There's a Zombie outside keeping me up, what should I do?"
"Where do you put your dead zombies?"
"Where can I buy a wallet?"
I don't know what's more amusing, asking 'What is this?' in such a childish manner, or the fact that in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse there would still be people posting on OCUK....

"Spec me a bludgeoning weapon!"
"There's a Zombie outside keeping me up, what should I do?"
"Where do you put your dead zombies?"
"Where can I buy a wallet?"

Genuine lol. :D I think I just wee'd a little. :(
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