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lol what the hell is that?? i rather buy a TRACKIR instead of looking like a plonka wearing that lol no offense
Yes the pro-clip will work with free track.
The easiest way to get it to work is with w Wii mote using free software and a bluetooth dongle for your PC.
What you need to make a IR emitter.
3 BIC pens (just the tubes)
3 30ohm resitors (if using 2xAA 1500mha batteries)
3 IR led`s.
1 2xAA battery holder with PP3 connector (9v plug type)
Thin wire colour coded red and some black ie +/-
some shrink rapp.
Zip ties or tie rapps what ever you call them.
A little soldering skill.
Solder the red battery connector to some red wire, then solder the 3 30ohm resistors to this wire (just for neat ness) Shrink rapp each one leaving one exsposed end each. Also shrink rapp any connections as you go.
Take the 3LED`s and sand of the round ends to make them flat, do not expose the electrodes!!! Making the ends flat defuses the IR light and makes a nice flat surface for the web cam to detect.
solder the LED`s to enough wire to thread them through the BIC pen case. This will make a holder for the LED`s. Remember the middle or top LED is half if not one third the length of the lower outer two. Shrink wrap the led`s to the end of the BIC cases. Again checking length. Solder the + of each LED to 1 each of the resistors. Then solder the - to the black wire of the Battery holder.
I made my head set this way in case one of the LED`s failed then I inly have to replace the LED and not re wire the hole thing. If you prefer series then wire it that way.
Then tie rap the until to your headset. I used two around the headband then threaded two through them and over the BIC tubes holding them tight.
Connect the batteries and use a digital camera to see if the work. With the cameras CCD lens the screen should have 3 bright lights but looking with the naked eye you wont see any light.
You can uses white light LED`s but they will reflect off the monitor screen and bug the crap out of you.
WEB CAM you need to remove the IR filter to help it see the IR LED`s. Depending on your web cam google to see if it has one. Then replace the IR filter with some floppy disk, cut up the actual disk or some thing as dark and translucent. I used a PS3 eye toy so I didnt have to do the thing with the film. Also you dont have to do this with a Wiimote they just work once setup.
Heres some PIC`s.
Its a lot neater now I have fixed the position of the LED`s to get the best results.
If you want head tracking and have enought money for trackIR then do freetrack first, if you do it then awsome you have got new skills and saved a bundle of cash. Or just buy it and feel good about yourself. If you want head tracking and are short of cash build one you have nothning to loose and every thing to gain.
6dof in flaming cliffs 2, you need to use the trackIR fixer for some games.
A unlock for the TrackIR interface restircting the use of Freetrack, old story but some thing along the lines of you stole our code, no we didnt, thats ok we will lock you out any way and do deals with game makers then charge the public loads of money to use head tracking. thats ok we will make a fix and let people do it for free so neeeerrrrrrr.