Project: Temjin-M


Big thanks to 5UB for helping me through this order :D

Big big box!

Lolwhut? Another Box! It's like pass the parcel :p

Haribo and grenades, what's not to love?!

Here they are :D

Please say 12.4, please ;)

ofcourse :)


Quick update for you guys, The 7970 is much more user friendly once you have multi monitors set up.

Let me show you:

If you look at the presets, it basically means that I can easily switch to extended display when I want to work (three screens behave somewhat individually) and when I want to start gaming, I switch eyefinity which means that its one long display.

When using nvidia drivers, I found no such features and had to keep reconfiguring everything. It as a real PITA. That being said, getting started with AMD takes a lot longer (for me anyway :p)

Whoever decided the length of the MSI lightning eyefinity bridge is either a massive troll or a noob :p

If you space the cards a slot apart, the bridge is literally a few mm short. It required some frustrating threading through the hole in the cooler to get the bridges working. I shall be ordering new, longer bridges soon. Not partcularly happy after spending £800 on cards for such a fundamental problem to occur! That being said, i did get 2 free packs of haribos, 2 grenades and 6 games so I won't complain :p
Looks good so far - want to see more updates.

Whats your opinions on the TJ11 as a case overall? Looking to replace the 800D and everything I see about the TJ11 has me interested, apart from the price, which is a massive kick to the balls.
Looks good so far - want to see more updates.
They'll be coming in the next two weeks :D
Whats your opinions on the TJ11 as a case overall? Looking to replace the 800D and everything I see about the TJ11 has me interested, apart from the price, which is a massive kick to the balls.

IMO, the best bit of the case is its sheer size. It allows you to have pretty much anything you desire in it.

Without modding, it has plenty of rad space, when modded, you can add pretty much anything you want!

The airflow in it is amazing and the case is beautiful with a nice solid finish!

RE price; It's hugely, hugely overpriced for what it is, so i wouldn't cut down on other components to spend more on the case, but if you have plenty of money for a case, this would be my choice :)
Hey Cleee, how's this build going for you so far? Thanks for your input in my thread :)
I've got a few more questions if you don't mind helping me? :p Should I post them here or in my thread?
ofcourse :)If you look at the presets, it basically means that I can easily switch to extended display when I want to work (three screens behave somewhat individually) and when I want to start gaming, I switch eyefinity which means that its one long display.

Start button and P to cycle between Extended and Duplicate. Works on my 5830 crossfire eyefinity setup. :)

Lovely build, enjoying the updates to this.
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