Binary Domain

3 Oct 2009
North Wales
Just a heads up, the pc port of this is mega awful.

I have no idea how good a game it is on console, but on pc its horrendous.

  • Black borders at 1920x1080
  • Can't use mouse to navigate menu
  • Graphics are **** poor
  • To top it off, my mouse aim didn't work
  • Key layout is hyper weird

Either wait for these things to be patched, or get it for your console.

These are my own experiences of "playing" it on pc, its the worst port I've seen for a long time.
How can they expect to get away with black borders at 1920 x 1080? Is that really right, or just something you've set in the graphics options.. Oh wait, its a console port, so best options you've maybe got is erm - brightness and erm screen res, which looks to be broken anyhow..

I've uninstalled it now but there were only a couple of video options and I had chosen 1920x1080.

I had maxed every setting though so perhaps there was a conflict somewhere.

Disgusting port, I'll be treating sega published games with suspicion now.
A quick Google finds that the PC version was handled by Devil's Details, who also did Sonic Generations PC, which to be honest was decent enough. Sure it wasn't perfect, but it still ran a hell of a lot better than the console versions.

As for Binary Domain, well, I dunno if I should get this or not since I've been meaning too for ages.

Sega should just follow after Capcom and do PC ports of their games themselves instead of outsourcing them. Hell the same can be said for the console side i.e Bayonetta.
dont bother with this game i have i on xbox and it sooo bad and theres so many thing wrong with the multiplayer and its not once been patched, seriously avoid this game just a waste of money
So I finally gave this a go and it's not all that bad.

Yeah sure, there are a few slight graphical hitches and the default keyboard and mouse controls are arse, though I went for gamepad which feels better personally, but compared to the console versions, it still runs and looks a hellava much better. I bet the multiplayer community is much more active there too since it is practically dead on PC, though I didn't really get this game for that. Plus to finally have a Ryū ga Gotoku/Yakuza engine game on PC, it actually looks very good, especially when it comes to the detail in the cutscenes.

As for the story, I found it to be really good and can see why some people would consider this game to be a underrated dark horse. Just a shame it wasn't advertised well, which is typical Sega anyway, and the sales figures weren't too good.

Still, I do think it was a good attempt at the 3rd-person shooter genre from the Yakuza team. I personally would describe this game like Mass Effect (Especially when it comes to the moral/trust choices) mixed with the futuristic Sci-Fi aesthetic of Vanquish (Very nice robot and mecha designs, with some I, Robot influences too).

What mind**** blown me was when the credits rolled and I saw who did the voices for Dan, Faye and Charles.

For those interested, Dan (Travis Willingham) and Faye (Laura Bailey) are married in real life, and she is also the voice of Serah from Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2, so LOL to her fake Chinese accent. But what surprised me the most was Charles (Troy Baker), who also plays Snow in Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2. Now that's a pretty damn convincing British accent.

So in a nutshell, I really enjoyed this game, and would definitely like to see a sequel especially for the story. If Sega decides it's worthwhile, I would love to see it on the new engine they are producing for the upcoming Yakuza 5.
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Just beaten this, thoughts below:
WOW, I wasn't expecting this given the mediocre reviews. I thought it was going to be another mundane TPS like Dark Sector, Infernal or Prototype, but what I got was a cross between Mass Effect and Gears of War (and a more enjoyable TPS than the latter).

+Epic boss fights and lots of them
+I love squad based shooters and especially those that force you to mix your party up so you don't just use the same characters through the whole game
+Interesting storyline that actually got me thinking about the morality of the the whole thing (e.g. does a hybrid who has lived their whole life believing themselves to be fully human, and is biologically human really deserve to be executed?)
+Good graphics IMO aside from a few sections, the characters look great and have excellent animation (facial expressions etc) for the most part, far superior to many AAA titles. The screenshots on the Steam store really don't do it justice.
+Voice acting is pretty good, except for Rachael
+I'm a bit of a sucker for RPG elements like upgrades in shooter games, and it works well, especially as you get rewarded with credits for headshots, multi-kills etc i.e. a bit like Bulletstorm, there is actually an incentive to have spectacular combat instead of just hiding behind a crate blind-firing.
+Good cutscenes for the most part
+A few spectacular set pieces albeit not quite Max Payne 3 standards
+Interesting respect system i.e. how you interact with your teammates affects how they interract with you
+Nice damage system i.e. you can literally shoot robots apart piece-by-piece, perhaps going for the legs first to slow them down, or a headshot to send them haywire, or just chipping off the armour to find a weakspot.

-Can't set the controls (including FOV and sensitivity!) from inside the game, you have to quit, guess the most appropriate setting in the config tool, start the game again, continue your game, find the sensitivity is still wrong, quit, load the config tool..... yadayadayada
-Mouse doesn't feel quite right, when it the menus it just detects movement rather than having a cursor, and in game it feels like there is accel or it is emulating a controller or something.
-Didn't really get the love story, Faye seems really standoffish telling me to take my paws off when patching up her wound and then literally the next minute I'm banging her :confused:
-Maybe a bit too easy
-The conversations start to wear a bit thin towards the end, especially when you have to bat back 3 comments or whatever before the door to the next corridor will open
-Massive plothole surrounding the whole Hollow Children living undetected for years things.... have they never heard of x-rays? Heck, near the end of the game they even use their own portable scanning device to prove that a particular character is a robot.....
-60fps cap and seemingly no way to remove it

Overall this was a very pleasant surprise and I'm glad I gave it a bash, one of the best games I've played in a long while.
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I've just finished this game, and I didn't have any of these problems the OP is talking about. Looks good enough, played well enough, no black borders, I cannot comment on the controls however as I played with pad.

Overall I'd give it 7/10 it's worth a play it was better then I was expecting..
Yep I think some of these issues must have been patched out after release. aceytrixx I wouldn't worry too much about it the only real issue I had was having to quit the game to change config settings like sensitivity (which is really annoying because you can't see the effect without reloading the game again so it becomes trial and error!) but once you've got it sorted you never need to go in there again.

Worth noting that a couple of months back I tried to play Dead Space which is a very highly regarded TPS and found it completely unplayable due to the ridiculously low FOV, at least in this lesser known game you can change it.
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