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List of 3rd party coolers compatable with the AMD 290s

6 Feb 2010
So...I had a bit more play today on the VTX (unlocked) 290x, and played around with fanspeed and overclocking a bit, trying to find the best balance between voltage/temp, overclock and fanspeed, and I have settled on using 1100/1500 for now, which required a slight bump in voltage of +30mV (upped from 1250mV to 1280mV), and change the fan profile to speed up sooner at a lower temp (70C at 50%, 80C at 55%, 90C at 60%)...and here's the results of running Heaven on 1920 res, 4xAA, Extreme Tesselation for 45mins, and it never went above 55% fan speed and 81C:

My room is around 18-19C.

This should do me nicely till my Gelid Icy Vision Rev2 arrive :D I had a look on its manual in advance...the installation seem straightfoward enough.
http://www.gelidsolutions.com/products/guides/Rev.2 Icy Vision_installation_manual.pdf
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Thats pretty damn good marine. To be running at 1100/1500 which is a 10% core overclock + 20% memory overclock and only 81c. Not bad at all. Pretty sure thats about the temp of a titan/780 at stock. Vrm temps looking good as well.
6 Feb 2010
Thats pretty damn good marine. To be running at 1100/1500 which is a 10% core overclock + 20% memory overclock and only 81c. Not bad at all. Pretty sure thats about the temp of a titan/780 at stock. Vrm temps looking good as well.
Yea...I guess the bottomline is each person's tolerance to noise is different. 55% fan speed (3000rpm) could be too much for people that put their PC on their desk at ear-level, but for my circumstance as I've mentioned I have the PC on the floor around 1 meter away from me, the 3000rpm noise level is not that bad. But for high overclocking, it definitely require better cooling. I've trying 1175MHz on the core clock with the voltage on +100mV (1350mV), but it artifact very quickly as soon as the temp hitting 87C+; I've try having the fanspeed at 100%, and it managed to keep the temp at around 71-72C max, and I don't think I noticed any artifact...but of course, the noise was crazy loud :p
6 Feb 2010
I'm still in shock that you upgraded from your 5850. What's going to happen to the old boy? I have a feeling it will end up on your mantle piece. :p
Well, they don't exactly sell for much these days, so I might just keep it as spare, like how people use to have a spare 8800GT/8800GTX lying around ready to step-in should the main card need to be out for rma/repair/replace :D

Deleted member 76686


Deleted member 76686

Still interested in seeing what information is about from people who've used the Accelero Hybrid.
6 Feb 2010
OK...so I've installed my Gelid Icy Vision Rev2 cooler last night. I haven't tested on stock clock, but after lot of of testing, I've settled for 1.30mV 1140/1550 for 24/7 for now.

As you can see (above result is from running Heaven at max settings for 1920 res 8xAA Extreme Tessellation etc), the GPU temp has dropped hugely...however, the issue has now become vrm1 temp getting too hot instead when using to high voltage, which is why I am using 1.30mV only to keep the temp below 90C. I have to say this, while the stock cooler is indeed loud, but due to the blower design with the fan intake sitting right next to the vrm1 and blowing cool air sideway into it directly in narrowed space, it's actually doing a far better job at cooling the vrm than possibly all the 3rd party coolers...shame the same cannot be said about GPU temp.

I'll probably grab the Alpenföhn Passive DRAM / VRAM Chip Coolers from OcUK to replace the vrm heatsink that comes with the Gelid and see if it would help with lowering the temp of vrm1. I managed to bench Sleeping Dogs at 1200/1570MHz stable with not artifact no blackscreen (can't push any higher on the stupid elpida rams) on 1.412mV:
...but the vrm1 was hitting as high as 127C :eek:

Oh and ignore the fanspeed reading of 4000rpm...it's because the fans on the cooler is not pwm, so it's running at a constant 2000rpm or something.

I'll add the result for stock 290x later.
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6 Feb 2010
You could buy a spot cooler to point at the VRMs. e.g.

I've already got a 120mm fan right in front of the card blowing into it (from right to left). I think it's more of the case needing a bigger sink for the vrm.

I think that the Arctic Hybrid is probably gonna be the best of both worlds for cooling the GPU and vrm. This is mainly because unlike all the other coolers, the vrm are not cooled by the "2nd hand air" which are usually the case of the fan blowing through the main heatsink of the cooler and with the "heat" "cooling" the vrm, but is actually cooled directly by the "fresh" cool air...if you know what I mean. But of course, that cooler would cost more than double the price comparing to the Gelid.

IMO...GPU cooling wise, ANY half decent will be able to keep the GPU cool enough without issue...but it is only till you have one of such cooler fitted, the challenge is no longer about cooling the GPU, but the vrm1 instead. So basically what I'm trying to say is...for people that want the best performance on cooling the vrm, the Arctic Hybrid is probably the best choice (if don't mind the cost), or DIY one of the ghetto Hybrid cooling like in Boomstick's thread.
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