Barks' Training Log

20 Jul 2008
I'll try and keep this short and just mention the essentials. Some of the lads on here have advised me to start a training log and I think it's a great idea of keeping myself motivated etc. Some of you have also provided invaluable feedback into my training specifically technique so I am really grateful. I've had an interesting summer, I've technically been on a cut but really I have just been trying to focus on nailing my technique. I'm confident enough now in the Big-3 that I can push myself without incurring injury.

Aim: I think this is important to consider. I am not aiming to be monstrously huge although there's nothing wrong with people who do want to achieve that. I would like to be strong and physically lean. Therefore my diet is going to be controlled.

Diet Plan (for anyone interested)

Current Weight: 75kg.

Sticking with Leangains IF which has worked wonders over the summer. Macros are body recomposition (-20/20) and look like this:

Targets Rest Day

Calories 2000
Proteins 170
Fats 70
Carbs 150

Targets Training Day
Calories 2900
Proteins 170
Fats 62
Carbs 420

I'm going to stick with these for now until my strength gains start to fade out where I'll play about with the macros. I'm predicting now that I will lose weight and gain strength on this programme. We'll have to wait and see!

Training Plan

It goes against everything my heart is saying as I'm so keen to be in the gym but I'm going to stick to just 2 sessions a week. An easier mid-week evening session and a monster session first thing on Saturday/Sunday morning. Again, could adjust this in the future depending on results. I'm about to start a stressful training contract with long hours and loads of studying so I'll be doing myself favours by limiting it to 2 sessions. Mental energy should be high as I'll really want to smash it each session.

Workout 1 (Wednesday)
(Warmup on the rower for 5 minutes)
Squat 3x5
Parallel Bar Dip Weighted 3x8
Chin-Up 3x8
Seated Overhead Press/DB 3x6
Calf Raise (high rep) 3x15
Lateral Raies (light DB) 3x10-20
Stretches & Mobility Work

Workout 2 (Saturday)
(Warmup on the rower for 5 minutes)
Deadlifts 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Close Grip Bench Press 3x5 (may drop this or replace it with incline?)
Leg Press 3x8
Curls 3x5
Other accessory work - leaving this empty until I know what will need to be done!
Stretches & Core Work (Pallof presses etc)

Training progress will be constant poundages so I will aim to squat, say, 3 sets of 100kg and as soon as I can hit the target reps of all 3 I will move up to 102.5 and so on. Of course I will throw in plenty of warm up sets for the Big-3 compounds and anything else requiring it. If I up the calories on my diet I may do 4 working sets of the Big-3 but I think 3 sets is ample when you are absolutely nailing it 100%.

Would welcome any comments on my workout plan. Providing I am fully training my body with the above and gaining strength then I'm not fussed about omitting some other popular exercises such as the row, lat raise, shrug etc.

So there we go. Training of cycle 1 starts tomorrow :)

I will make adjustments to my diet/training on a monthly basis depending on results.
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Doesn't look like much but I feel KO'd. I'm not used to doing so much compound stuff in one session.

My Squats are weak at the moment but I'm taking it very easy, had plenty more gas in the tank. Technique is more important to me than piling on the weight.

Workout A

Fasted Training - 10g BCAA & Espresso

Start: 9:01am

Warmup Sets {bar,40x10,60x8}

Chin-Ups body weight.

DB Shoulder Press

Parallel Weighted Dips (body weight+15kg)

Compounds finished 9:46am.

DB Side Lateral Raises
7kg x 12 x 3

15 minutes on the mats - stretches & mobility, paloff presses, core work etc.

Finished: 10:05am.
I'll post today's workout (absolutely knackered) and then leave it for a few weeks to post an update. PB with the deadlift so happy with that, technique solid and felt like I could knock out a few more reps. Will go up to 95kg next time :)

Bring on the weekend! woooh. Damn I love the gym /endorphin rush :D

Workout B

Fasted Training - 10g BCAA
(I've omitted the coffee as I'm drinking too much of the stuff and frankly don't need it)

Start: 9:35

90x5 Mixed Grip
90x5 MG
92.5x5 MG

Bench Press
WU {20x10,40x8,70x2}
No spotter

Close Grip Bench Press

Leg Press

EZ Bar
Standing Curls
25kg x 8
30kg x 8
35kg x 7

Skull Crushers
25kg x 8
30kg x 7
30kg x 7

Stretches & Mobility

(No core work today I felt I was about to collapse :p)

Finished: 10:49am
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Average weight from last week: 74.3kg.

Main stuff from today:

Warmup Sets
90x5 'technique

Chin-Ups body weight.

DB Shoulder Press
30x6 'just

Parallel Weighted Dips (body weight+15kg)
x8 'just

Going to get a squat vid up in the gym rats thread later for form check.
So this never really got updated because I went through a horrendous period with my job where I was working silly hours and basically didn't get a chance to do the gym regularly.

As of 1st January before I started cutting.

Weight: 81kg (74.3kg)
5 rep Maxes (previous in September 2013)

Bench: 97.5kg (80kg)
Squat: 120kg* (90kg)
Deadlift: 140kg* (92.5kg)
DB Shoulder Press: 38kg (32kg)

* I can go higher but I'm happy with these numbers whilst maintaining what I consider to be a reasonably OK technique. As some of you know I'm still working hard at my deadlift technique and above 140kg it really does fall apart so I'm being sensible and sticking with a weight I can handle. You won't find me trying to show off and risk injury.

I'm actually feeling pretty good looking at the numbers in this thread as that is quite an improvement across all fronts. I achieved those results following the lG IF principles but not really paying any attention to what I was putting in my mouth and I consumed a hell of a lot of alcohol at the weekends due to the stress of the job. So clearly a lot of that 6-7kg gain is going to be fat and this could have been much cleaner. Not a healthy way to go about but I'm still young! :D

So I'm currently doing a cut, together with no Alcohol for January I am taking this very seriously and being incredibly anal with my Macros. So we're looking at Leangains IF (1pm-9pm window), 2500kcal on training days, 1700kcal on rest days. The usual HCLF rule applies, I'm not abandoning carbs entirely on rest days as there is simply no need.

My current 2-day average weight is 79.2kg and with RPT training my top lifts as of 1st January have been maintained so far. So it seems what is coming off is mostly body fat. I'm monitoring my weight closely and taking it at the same time each day for consistency, obviously it fluctuates depending on what I did the previous day but the general trend is looking positive.

This is my abbreviated training plan:

I train completely fasted first thing in the morning, with an espresso and some BCAA powder beforehand. I'm yet to experience any issues of feeling sick/ill/tired/drained as a lot of people think I'm absolutely bonkers for not eating before I train. Breakfast is for the weak! :D

Session 1 (Monday)
Deadlifts x5
Wide grip pull-ups x3. (full extension, slow and controlled, never trained to failure)
Core & Mobility Work

Session 2 (Weds)
Bench Press x4 RPT
Close Grip Bench Press x4 RPT
EZ Bicep Curls x3 (I'm supposed to be doing abbreviated training but I love these too much)

Session 3 (Fri)
Squats x4 RPT
DB Shoulder Press x3 RPT
Parallel Bar Dips x3
Pull Ups x3 (full extension, slow and controlled, never trained to failure)
Core & Mobility Work
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after fasted training in the morning, how difficult do you find it to get to 1pm before eating? I assume you simply get used to it?

After cycling 10 miles into work in the morning, I'm ready to eat everything I see :p
after fasted training in the morning, how difficult do you find it to get to 1pm before eating? I assume you simply get used to it?

After cycling 10 miles into work in the morning, I'm ready to eat everything I see :p

To be perfectly honest whilst I'm following my macros very carefully I allow a little flexibility with the feeding window. On rest days I follow it consistently, on training days I tend to eat once the hunger kicks in (2-4 hours) with a black coffee and some more BCAAs post workout. This could differ with cardio though, my routine is to lift heavy things with plenty of rest in between so it's not as if I'm a complete sweaty mess after my workout. The only time I get breathless really is during squats and dead lifts.

This is obviously going to vary between individuals and there is likely a certain degree of adaption that needs to take place although I'm almost certain it's largely psychological as opposed to physiological. When I started fasted training it used to make me feel tired and sometimes unwell but I'm pretty sure it was in my head. Cavemen didn't wake up to have a full english breakfast beside them, they had to go out and hunt on an empty stomach, expel lots of energy before they could eat etc so it always makes me laugh when people come out with BS such as 'if you don't eat breakfast you can't function etc'. I often find on rest days I can literally go an entire day without feeling hungry and my energy levels are far more consistent.

That said, I wouldn't advocate leaving an excessive amount of time after training before your first meal, especially if you're cycling 10 miles. LG IF was designed primarily for weight lifting, I'm guessing out loud here but I would imagine a 10 mile cycle is going to use far more energy than an intensive weights session and I personally wouldn't want to run the risk of hypoglycaemia or any similar conditions. In fact thinking about it my abbreviated routine is specifically designed to NOT use too much energy as I'm already running a large calorie deficit and the balance of exercise/calorie intake for optimal fat burn/muscle retention is carefully controlled. Cardio does complicate things massively.
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Average weight (averages used to take into account water weight fluctuations from macro-cycling) this week is 78.6kg from 81kg average for 1st week. (2.4kg loss since 1st Jan)

Top lifts and sets at the gym have remained constant (apart from DL as I've been practicing my technique) so I haven't lost strength across any of my exercises. Using waist measurements I have estimated my BF% on a weekly basis and LBM appears to have remained constant during the month.

So I think it's safe to say my 2.4kg loss is mostly from fat. I hope so anyway. Going to continue into February although I'm drinking again which will almost certainly hinder my progress.
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