Horror games

Does anyone remember a really old game, Phantasmagoria comes to mind but I swear it was 1st person, and it starts all calm your in a room (mansion) some wizard or evil force opens up and tons of monsters spawn out..

Cant remember much else :P

phantasmagoria wasnt a particularly good game but it succeeded in scaring the crap out of me when i was a kid so it gets props for that.

it was actually 3rd person. What you describe kinda sounds like the intro, but it actually starts with the protagonists husband taking pictures of the mansion with an SLR camera then the mansion opens up and tons of monsters spawn out!


deffo worth a play through.
If you are really into horror games the only way to go is Oculus Rift VR. I had to stop playing a number of horror games because they were too scary - a lot more so than Amnesia


Doors of Silence

Its one thing playing a horror game in a dark room on a monitor with headphones. Its another thing all together being able to move your head forward and look around corners, out of lifts, behind you etc.

Alien Isolation is also great on Oculus
If you are really into horror games the only way to go is Oculus Rift VR. I had to stop playing a number of horror games because they were too scary - a lot more so than Amnesia


Doors of Silence

Its one thing playing a horror game in a dark room on a monitor with headphones. Its another thing all together being able to move your head forward and look around corners, out of lifts, behind you etc.

Alien Isolation is also great on Oculus
The only VR horror experience I've had is with Sisters, an app on smartphones meant to be used with Cardboard.

I couldn't get through it. As rough as Cardboard is as a VR viewer, and as low production as the app was itself, the experience was still enough to get me seriously terrified to the point I couldn't go on, even after trying it again. It's actually a well done little app, even if short and relatively low budget, but I cant help but think if this was too much for me, how on earth am I going to handle full blown VR horror games/experiences?

And I *love* horror games, usually. Classic RE, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Amnesia, Alien Isolation, etc. One of my favorite genres.

But man, VR horror is going to be something else entirely. I've talked about it at length elsewhere, but I truly think it's going to be a lot less enjoyable than some people think. Different people have different tolerances obviously, but I think it's going to cross a line for many people that they didn't know existed. A line that goes from 'enjoyable and thrilling'(like a rollercoaster with safety harnesses) to 'soul petrifying'(like a rollercoaster without safety harnesses lol). Like seriously, playing a regular horror game on a flat screen, even if you think you're quite immersed in it, you still have some part of your brain that gives you some level of reassurance, whether you realize it or not. The distance to the TV, the 3rd person action, the mere sense of surroundings still being *real life* - all that plays a part in letting you get scared, but still enjoy it. It's a safety net, kind of like how a rollercoaster is scary, but fun because you still know you're strapped in and everything. In VR, that safety net gets stripped away quite easily. No longer do you have the reassurance of your normal surroundings. No longer are you spectating from a distance. It will effect you on a far deeper level than some will be prepared for.

I know some will read this and be like, "Aw yea, that sounds awesome, can't wait", like I'm just endorsing VR horror and just thinking 'more scary = better', but seriously, my point is that I think it might be a difficult market once people realize how unenjoyable being *truly* frightened is.

I'm still looking forward to trying out some more things once consumer headsets come out, but I've been opened to just how important our safety nets are for actual enjoyment of scary experiences.

We'll see.
Just tried that Slender, some definite jump scares in that! make me get tingles on my neck, I can only imagine how terrifying it will be with Oculus Rift and headphones!! definitely got to try it out :D

Getting into the horror genre now so I might give the new Amnesia a go as well.

Come across Jeff the Killer, not sure how this story come about but the infamous photo was apparently some girl who committed suicide, not 100% on the story though or how true it is.

There is a First person game of it as well.



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