*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

I'm feeling quite honoured by that first post.
You're a top bloke DJ :)

I'm off to London in a few hours until Wednesday so may get a chance to visit some pubs and see what's on offer for the remaining categories and then *luckily* I'm hoping to get a trip to Germany one day next week for work. That'll be handy if I can manage it, what with the G category being around the corner :D
To confirm for next week: does it need to have the name of the fruit on it?
Is a generic 'fruit flavoured beer' label Ok?
What about something with no mention of the fruit on it other than the ingredients list?
I've got a good one for this week. I had a common one just in case but knowing how things have gone the last few weeks I'll be wishing I entered the common one :p
Just submitted my F. I'll be surprised if anyone else has it as it's a 'warm weather' beer. No idea why my local store decided to start stocking it.

It tastes so weird; I can't decide if I like it. My first sip was "Oh **** this is vile" but by the time I finished the bottle I was quite enjoying it. Definitely one to check out if you're having a BBQ.

It's made with 2 fruits so that's double points, right? :p
Quick question about H. Does the body part have to stand alone or can it be part of a word? For example if the beer was called "coldfeet" would it count? I'm aware that's not a real word but couldn't think of a real example and I've got one that's like that :p.
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