*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

Quick question about H. Does the body part have to stand alone or can it be part of a word? For example if the beer was called "coldfeet" would it count? I'm aware that's not a real word but couldn't think of a real example and I've got one that's like that :p.
Yes, that will be acceptable.

For Z, will an animal noise for the name count? Example, Meow Ale.
No, animal name only.

Does a war theme count towards fighting theme?
Yes, war is fighting.
Quick question about H. Does the body part have to stand alone or can it be part of a word? For example if the beer was called "coldfeet" would it count? I'm aware that's not a real word but couldn't think of a real example and I've got one that's like that :p.
Yes, that will be acceptable.
That's handy (see what I did there).
Does a war theme count towards fighting theme?
Yes, war is fighting.
Been booze shopping this afternoon and just submitted my entries for the next few rounds. My enthusiasm for trying new beers has been sorely dampened after trying my "F" beer... a taste I'd more usually associate with beers coming back up :(
Z - Zoo - Any beer with an animal in its name.

Name - relates to beer name only, NOT the brewery.


I know the rules, I was just hoping the ridiculous amount of animal content in this beer could get special treatment so I could post it :p

Brewery named after animal, name is sound of different animal and the label is picture of the brewery animal dressed as name animal.
I know the rules, I was just hoping the ridiculous amount of animal content in this beer could get special treatment so I could post it :p

Brewery named after animal, name is sound of different animal and the label is picture of the brewery animal dressed as name animal.

Nope, or it would be.... theme ;) :)
Might have already been asked and answered, but for X Rated, do you want US to edit out the dodgy part of the name, or are you going to do that? So do you want both an edited and an unedited image so you have proof that it is dodgy?
Might have already been asked and answered, but for X Rated, do you want US to edit out the dodgy part of the name, or are you going to do that? So do you want both an edited and an unedited image so you have proof that it is dodgy?
If you guys want to supply pictures both edited and unedited, that's great. Though I don't mind hitting them with some paint :) Cheers

I too was wondering this.

Also for round Q - do we have to quote an actual point scoring beer, or can we pick something deemed not relevant (like Chang)? Obviously excluding the cider!
That's a very good question. I'll go with any valid entry regardless of points scored, just as long as it has score even one point. :)
I've updated the Rounds Entered list for everyone.

Been booze shopping this afternoon and just submitted my entries for the next few rounds. My enthusiasm for trying new beers has been sorely dampened after trying my "F" beer... a taste I'd more usually associate with beers coming back up :(

EB, while updating the list above I noticed you sent an email marked as 'Draught'. Upon checking it (as this round has now passed) to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I discovered it's actually your Round J entry :/

As I am unable to change the email title/subject, can you please resend this with correct title. Round J :)
EB, while updating the list above I noticed you sent an email marked as 'Draught'. Upon checking it (as this round has now passed) to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I discovered it's actually your Round J entry :/

As I am unable to change the email title/subject, can you please resend this with correct title. Round J :)

As a non-point-dropper I feel he should be disqualified from J for that epic fail ;)
EB, while updating the list above I noticed you sent an email marked as 'Draught'. Upon checking it (as this round has now passed) to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I discovered it's actually your Round J entry :/

As I am unable to change the email title/subject, can you please resend this with correct title. Round J :)

D'oh! Copy and paste fail... Sorry about that, I've resent it now with the correct. title (I hope)
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