Anyone got a Titan Amanda or Vanessa yet?

harris1986 said:
Hi guys just curious to see if anyone has got either of these coolers as i'm very interested in them both?
i dont think anyone has one yet but the Amanda is not as good as everyone thnks its going to be, there is a review of it over at but the site currently is not working i will post it up when it is. according to the graphs in some of the tests its no better than a big typhoon
Hi there

I have a Prescott at home capable of 4GHz at a push on air unstable and temps get upto 70c with a Coolermaster Hyper48 which was a good cooler.

I shall try to give the Amanda a go this weekend to see how good it works and if it can give me above 3.8GHz stable.

We also have a Vanessa too and that will be compared against an Akasa EVO 33.
excellent gibbo, you are without a doubt the man :D i'm looking at either the vanessa or amanda to replace my Typhoon for my conroe setup if the temps are good with it!

let us all know :p
harris1986 said:
excellent gibbo, you are without a doubt the man :D i'm looking at either the vanessa or amanda to replace my Typhoon for my conroe setup if the temps are good with it!

let us all know :p

Will do, but for Amanda to perform well you need a HOT CPU. :)
So for those with Conroes that are running under 1.45v or less than 3.5GHz then Amanda may not be so beneficial as your CPU needs to be running above 40c for the TEC to even operate.

So Amanda is only good if your current heatsink is not cutting it and is say running 50c and higher as such limiting your overclock.
Yes a review and comparison of all the top coolers would be fantastic, particularly the tuniq tower which has hardly any reviews at all.
Hi there

I'd love to do a review because I enjoyed doing them and I told people unbiased results as afterall we sell all the models. My reviews gave temperature results and maximum overclock with each heatsink.

Unfortunately to do such a review it takes literally about 2 days and at the moment I'd struggle to find 2 hours spare let alone 2 days.

I am testing the Amanda on my home rig as with me having a very hot prescott I have an ideal machine to test it on. The Hyper48 which is regarded as a great cooler still lets the CPU get upto 70c when you crank it up to 4GHz at high voltages.
I wonder if you could comission a review from a reputable review site, and provide samples?
They would probably do it for free if you provided free samples, and there could be no question of bias.

Somewhere like bit-tech?

I know they have linked to you before and i think they have reviewed exclusive ocuk products before.
TaKeN said:
One Side Gets Hot and the Other Cold :)
No thats a bad way to think about it.
The heat is moved from one side to the other, and a fair amount of additional heat is created in the process.
Gibbo said:
Will do, but for Amanda to perform well you need a HOT CPU. :)
So for those with Conroes that are running under 1.45v or less than 3.5GHz then Amanda may not be so beneficial as your CPU needs to be running above 40c for the TEC to even operate.

Just had a look at the 'official' specs and it says the tec runs at full load (50W) from 28C - much better news :D
harris1986 said:
i'm likeing the sounds of that :)

However - from the xbitlabs review...

To my mind, the problem of such coolers is that the era of super-hot processors and, accordingly, of super-efficient coolers has come to an end. After the arrival of the Conroe and the upcoming transition of the Presler and CedarMill processors to the new D0 stepping, you don’t have to worry anymore about excessive heat dissipation of your central processor. CPU overclocking is now mostly limited by the potential of your system RAM and mainboard rather than by the efficiency of CPU cooling. AMD has also introduced processors with a reduced TDP (but even before that, the K8 series have dissipated less heat then Intel’s competing solutions). The old saying “better late than never” doesn’t work here. The Titan Amanda TEC arrives at the moment when its high performance is not called for.

Might not be the solution for conroe unfortunately - that'll teach you to have a super-efficient, cool running, blisteringly quick chip :p
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