smp 15th jan bug help

ok, the smp client stops when i close the terminal window, then restarts when I type./fah5.

is there a better way of getting it to start/stop?


Babyface UK
In my second post where I said to run


It should be:

./bfinstall smp

Sorry for the mistake. I was in a rush so neglected to give it a once over. Nuke any current FaH folder and start again :D

rich99million said:
batch files are probably your best bet - like it says at the bottom of that guide post

I'm just not planning on closing it - I'm still using windows for everything else for now anyway

still learning about linux, thought it would run if I closed that window. much to learn but might as will not bother as like you, i've only got linux for smp client.

Babyface UK
SiriusB said:
In my second post where I said to run


It should be:

./bfinstall smp

Sorry for the mistake. I was in a rush so neglected to give it a once over. Nuke any current FaH folder and start again :D


All nuked, reinstalled and huncky dorey - a few more points for the team. :D
To stop the SMP Client just press Ctrl - C
Then just close the termial window.
This should stop it safely and when you run it again it should be fine.

When you restart the client check that it is not using standard loops and is using the full SSE boost.
If it is using standard loops, let it run untill it shows the percentage completed, then stop it using Ctrl -C, leave it a few secs and then restart it using the nomal ./FaH command
It will use full optimisations then.
sculptor said:
Looks like the SMP Client has really caught on.
yep - once I've got used to this Linux malarky and sorted out drivers for everything (mainly the wireless adapter) I will probably go dual boot and most likely end up adopting Linux as my main OS

It's all still a bit confusing - will have to find myself some e-books and get to grips with it - definately worth the effort though :)
If doing a dual boot its easier to install Windows first.
Then when isntalling Ubuntu you just click install to the largest available partition.
I almost exlusively use my Ubuntu installation now. I only use Windows for games and a few apps. I would put Linux on my lappy but I fear the GRUB loader would confuse the others in my house who use it :p

Well you can add another one to the list of SMP'ers. :)

Currently going via VMware, with my GPU taking up the slack. May give Dual boot a go at the weekend but I've heard it may not like my Raid0 array and my wireless network.
Wouldn't the combined affects of VMWare overhead and massive CPU usage of the GPU client make running the SMP client pointless?

GPU alone will halve the performance since it usually requires a core all by itself. Running GPU and SMP means you are slowing down both clients and you could end up pushing the SMP WU deadline.

I have also switched to SMP using VMware - currently using jst SMP client but am going to experiment with using GPU Client too. Thanks to everyone in this thread's help - Wouldnt have got there without you, and now my PPD can go insane :).
Originally Posted by SiriusB
Wouldn't the combined affects of VMWare overhead and massive CPU usage of the GPU client make running the SMP client pointless?

I'm not really sure, but I did notice that VMWare was only making use of about 75-80% of my CPU and so have set up my GPU to run alongside on a lower priority. It will hit both I'm sure but I don't yet know to what extent.

I'll post back later tonight with the type of figures I am getting, but the frame times looked ok for both this morning. It would be a nice comparison to see what someone on native Ubuntu was getting for a similar system.

I would also like to thank everyone in this thread (and the others on this topic) for their posts, as it was a real breeze to set up. I wouldn't have even attempted it without these threads.
Having done a few tests and looked at the figures Im pretty sure Unforgiven has hit the nail on the head with using SMP and GPU clients along side each other.

When using purely the SMP client on project 3025, my frame times are around 5 minutes and 5 seconds, giving an eventual PPD of around 1660.

When using the SMP client on project 3025, with the GPU client running in the background, my SMP frame times are around 5:20 and my GPU frame times are just under 7 minutes.

When these two are added together, my eventual current PPD is 1585 + 680 = 2265. This is quite frankly, insane. Lets hope it works :).
The only problem I'm having is a slight shortage of RAM if I'm browsing in Firefox for a long time - 1GB is pushing it though the VMware backs down it's usage if I get too low so the system still works :)

As for the SMP deadlines the p3025 is 1 day preferred and 2 days final - they are taking me 20hrs or thereabouts whether I run the GPU client alongside or not so no problms there :cool:
Ok, I have some times running SMP via VMWare with a GPU at a lower priority. For comparison CPU is an [email protected] and the GPU is a X1900XT@661/720.

SMP: Unit 3025 - took 8 hours 50 mins (PPD of ~1590)
GPU: Unit 2736 - took 11 hours 40 mins (PPD of ~680)

For a total PPD of ~2270! Very similar numbers to those of LordShadow, strangely enough. :)

Currently half way through a 3027 and it has taken 4 hours and 35 mins which would translate to a potential PPD of ~1860!

I think those are some pretty impressive numbers and so will probably stay with using Ubuntu via VMWare for now and see how it works out in practice. While gaming they will both have to be switched not on, but I guess I could run a single windows instance in the background... ;)
This means Unforgiven might actually stomp me :eek:

Basically I don't want to run my GPU client any more and I can't be arsed with VMWare - I prefer running Linux anyway lol.

I will be getting my C2D pretty soon but if 2.2K + is people's PPD then it looks like I need to find some more borgs :D

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