Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

27 May 2010

Looks good! If the video is representative of the actual game (yeah, I know, massive winkey smiley) then this could be a very interesting game. I mean, who wouldn't want to ride a Triceratops while shooting Dodo's in the head for a laugh?
Seems they'll have a single player or maybe LAN options too.
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Was listening to a Twitch streamer interview the creative designer on this last night...

Few things that stuck out... At full on GFX settings as the project stands they are looking at a target of 30 fps...

Early Access is out Juhne 02nd i think.
I got almost instant motion sickness from the first 5 seconds, why do they add that stupid head bob in Games? :(
I think I have every single survival/zombie early access game going. I think even I am done now, so many in my library that need to be complete its unreal LOL.
Looks really good and the 48 min lirik interview has made me want to try the game but the animations looks so bad.

30 fps is mentioned @ MAX settings with a 980

So you can get more but that's what you should expect when playing max
I've spent loads on these early access survival games. This really does look nice though compared to most of the others doing the rounds.
30fps im guessing that a console port thing?
From what I got from the interview that was posted, 30FPS target is just for the early access. I may be completely wrong but the chap seemed to intimate that they'd be happy with 30FPS in EA and they'd start the optimizations when they'd handled more important aspects of the game, like what he was saying about the character creation. They have one in game so people can adjust options but it's not what is going to be in the finished product, just a place holder.

It was actually refreshing to hear a dev not trying to pander to every demographic but state that all the devs on the game are veterans and they know what the important bits are and they'll be getting the most attention and all the extraneous stuff will be functional only until they have the body of the game ready.
Looking forward to this. It'll be a nice change to see a small studio use the EA model and come into it with a substantial offering to begin with, rather than an early proof of concept and all the features are on the horizon with the catch-all of being able to abandon anything and everything without consequence, simply because they've decided its 'done'.

The fact that they have the intention of going multi-platform with it once its considered complete, is a bit of a mixed bag. It rarely lends itself well to the PC platform, either with scaling down or prioritising console needs (pad focused menus, simplified game mechanics etc). However I think it also comes with the benefit of being a big goal that they'll need to hit, because theres a big payday when it launches on 2 additional platforms, so theres an incentive to work and complete it - it doesnt stop it being rushed, and it doesnt ensure its a brilliant game, but so many EA games take the cash and plod along and progress and improvements are slow.

Im not much of a dino nut, im not overly fussed about it tbh, but they make for a much better adversary to play against than zombies. Zombies tend to be in too few numbers, due to processing demands, whereas at least 1 giant T-Rex is 1 AI, and its going to take some effort to overcome. Not a swift axe to the head, and then deal with its 5 friends plodding along.

I also really like the fact that they've said they'll do PvE official servers, im not really into the PvP which gets forced upon you in most of these survival type games. I want to survive the situation, not have the threat be 90% people, 10% plodding along zombies. That alone stops me from enjoying a lot of these games, and having a private server with only friends, gets a little uneventful and runs out of purpose too easily.
Not sure how many people here feel the same way, but having a server side option to set it, rather than it being an unenforceable hard rule, where punishment can only be added after breaking the rule, is nice.

Everything ive picked up this week seems to be positive, the few things i was unsure about (server hopping ala DayZ) have all been clarified and im satisfied with their decisions. Its looking set to be a nice little surprise. I think i'll give it a day or 2 if theres no new footage and the pre-EA testing NDA holds up, just to gather feedback, but im unusually optimistic on this one.
Looks like it might be fun for a bit of a play around to ride and hunt dinosaurs. Don't see much long lasting appeal though.
That is just their target for consoles, anyone with a gfx card under 5 years old will triple that.

Maybe at the final stage, but to begin with theres basic optimisation and its looking like a 980 @ 30fps max settings is where they expect it to be. Thats not to say its locked there and wont improve, or that you wont be able to dial down settings to get it to 60fps. I wouldnt expect 60fps max settings on June 2nd though, maybe with a titan or something, but not with regular high end stuff, let alone anything 18mo old :P
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