If you've been watching BBC TV today, you may have noticed that the BBC, in association with Oxford University, are now running a climate change experiment that you can take part in...
This is a version of the OU/Oxford University/Met Office climateprediction.net project that has been running for about two years. Those who frequent Division 39 will know that members of this fine forum have been participating in this project since it started. A few of us (myself included) also met some of the scientists behind the project when it was originally being set up.
If you're interested in participating and would like help getting started, or if you want to know how to join the OcUK team, head on over to Division 39, where we'll be glad to help.
If climate prediction isn't your 'thing', but you'd like to know what other distributed computing projects are available, we'd be glad to help there as well.
PS - the BBC will be broadcasting a few programmes to coincide with the experiment, one of which is on BBC Four at 9PM next Monday (20th).
This is a version of the OU/Oxford University/Met Office climateprediction.net project that has been running for about two years. Those who frequent Division 39 will know that members of this fine forum have been participating in this project since it started. A few of us (myself included) also met some of the scientists behind the project when it was originally being set up.
If you're interested in participating and would like help getting started, or if you want to know how to join the OcUK team, head on over to Division 39, where we'll be glad to help.
If climate prediction isn't your 'thing', but you'd like to know what other distributed computing projects are available, we'd be glad to help there as well.
PS - the BBC will be broadcasting a few programmes to coincide with the experiment, one of which is on BBC Four at 9PM next Monday (20th).