Nurburg Videos (Full versions RELEASED)

18 Oct 2002
Nurburg (90mb HDV Format - Please note you need a decent PC to play this)
Fun at the ring and Steak Off! - MIRROR MIRROR


Race - Video has swear words in so its not posted here but on forums (104mb DV Format)
M5 vs Zafira - M5 has paper maps and I have autoroute GPS...


If you cant play the HDV the DV one is below:

Nurburg (60mb DV Format)
Fun at the ring and Steak Off!

Hope everyone enjoys them as much as I enjoyed filming/creating then :)
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Downloading now, about 55k each so not too bad.
Edit: about 100k a piece now :D
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vlc does a good job of allowing slower pcs' to play higher quality video but I'll download the lower quality one as Iam sure its fine.
good stuff, downloaded them at 10 meg a second..woop

lol...driving a bit err like "dangerous" i suppose

now... is it me but does Tomo look like he's about to cry most of the time... maybe it was the steak bet loss?

and.. is the motors forum over 18s only?
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gord said:
good stuff, downloaded them at 10 meg a second..woop

lol...driving a bit err like "dangerous" i suppose

now... is it me but does Tomo look like he's about to cry most of the time... maybe it was the steak bet loss?

Well he did pay for the lot :)

MarkLP said:
17% using Winamp on AMD 2800

11% on XP4800+
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