Exempt from taking car theory test if you hold a full motorcycle licence!

30 May 2005
I recently found out some information that maybe very usfull to some people, if a person obtained a full motorcycle licence before the 1st February 2001 they are exempt from taking the car theory test, so they can, if they wish, apply directly for their practical test without ever taking any theory test at all, the odd thing is this does not apply to people that have a full car licence that wish to take their motorcycle test.

I have also confirmed this information by contacting the DSA directly on this number > 0300 200 1122, you could also get confirmation at this e-mail address > [email protected]

LINK > Full Licence Holder

This information can also be found on THIS page on the DSA website in the FAQs section.

I hope this information will help others as it has helped me.
There are more questions in the motorcycle theory test, that as a car driver you do not have to answer on the car theory test. I'm guessing that the motorcycle theory includes all the questions the car theory contains so it'd be just like doing a car theory, but with extra questions.
The thing is, i passed my motorcycle test back in 1982, this is well before the theory test was introduced, all i had to do back then was look at three or four road signs in a flip pad and tell the examiner what there meaning was, also if you obtained your full motorcycle licence after 1st Feburary 2001, which i think is about the time theory tests where introduced, you still have to take the car theory test, strange but true.
also if you obtained your full motorcycle licence after 1st Feburary 2001, which i think is about the time theory tests where introduced, you still have to take the car theory test, strange but true.

Theory tests were introduced the year I took mine IIRC..1997.
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