PS3 wireless problems: Possible fix

24 Jul 2005
As some of you know I've had had nothing but grief when trying to use the PS3 on-line via my wireless network. However, today I had a free day and have been trying out various settings in order to get it working.

Bizarrely, it now seems to be working with all the orginal settings bar one! That one is using WPA rather than the WPA2 I was using before. Just altering that one setting somehow allows me to log-in to PSN and stay logged in, and even weirder it seems to have boosted my signal percentage. Before, the PS3 was getting 30%-35% signal, now it's getting 47%-60%.

Router is a Linksys WAG10N.

So if this info is of use to, and works for, anyone else, then send cheques to 'The Azagoth Beer Fund'. :p
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i had a similar problem connecting one of my laptops to the internet.. it stopped working when i changed the wireless security from wpa-psk to wep (to connect my ds to wifi).

yet all other laptops in the house connected fine.. when i changed the security back to wpa-psk, the laptop would connect without fail! :/

grats on fixing it btw! :p
i vaglley remember hearing of linksys routers having a problem with the ps3.

but then i hardly ever keep up with the console stuff so may be wrong.
Glad you have it working but ergh you have a linksys i used to have nothing but problems with anything wireless releated when i had one of them
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