Star Trek vs Star Wars - Nerdy thread alert!

I don't even need to look at the website, Darth Vader's mob would kick the Federation's arse big style for no other reason than the phasers in Star Trek make a lame fizzing sound whereas in Star Wars they make that cool 'peooww' sound and they have light sabres. :D
Nitefly said:

Seven is gorgeous, but she is no longer Borg. She's just a moody cow who is obviously a lezzer.

The Borg would assimilate The Empire quite easily tbh.
Star Trek is everything wrong with sci-fi i HATE it.

Love Star Wars though.

And Sith/Jedi/Star Destroyers/Imperial Crusiers etc just pwn the crap outta anything Star Trek has.

All my opinion of course don't douse my in petrol and burn me.
What positive assets does Seven of Nine have apart from breasts and tight outfit?

Not that that's wrong. Oh no.
star trek would win. Have you seen the measly laser cannon thingies the empire ships fire? Nothing compared to phasers and photon/quantum torpedoes, federation ships' shields would last a long long time under fire from those things. Empire ships have no shields, i guess they rely on armour plating or soimething, imagine a quantum torpedo ripping though the hull and exploding inside!! instant gonner
sam83uk said:
star trek would win. Have you seen the measly laser cannon thingies the empire ships fire? Nothing compared to phasers and photon/quantum torpedoes, federation ships' shields would last a long long time under fire from those things. Empire ships have no shields, i guess they rely on armour plating or soimething, imagine a quantum torpedo ripping though the hull and exploding inside!! instant gonner

The federation might be able to fire off a quantum-photo-proton-electron-bubblegum torpedo into their ship, but look at the size of the death star and the star destroyers! Just a pin-***** to them.
We all know it would be up to the writers of them that would make who wins :p :D

/runs before i get chassed down by geeks with killer keyboards and peicing pornos:eek:
Star trek universe would win.

A super star destroyer might be huge, but they'd never hit a trekky starship zooming around it, destroying it with phasers and other techno-magicry.
to be fair the empire couldnt even catch a 'scruffy lookin nerf herder', but at the same time, all you need is one dark jedi to get inside a federation ship and its choke hold's all round.
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