8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
Hey guys!

Just so you all know, my supplier has finally received delivery on the Boogie Bug mouse pads. So they should be with us in the next few days :)

Light at the end of the tunnel at last :)
Is there still a smaller version of this on the market as I would like one but they are way too big for a pull out keyboard shelf?
These'll go like hotcakes. How many are you likely to have once the pre-orders are done with?

Glad I already got mine some time back now, great mat.
Quality pads.
I think I may get an order in for a spare if they are being this much trouble to get in to stock (I might need a spare as I'm going to try chucking this one in the washing machine to clean it)
The amount of chat on these boards about these I might have to buy one in readyness for when I eventually ruin my EverGlide Titan by spilling some kind of acloholic beverage on it. :D
Do it, they're great. Never fall off your mouse mat again, plus they look brilliant on your desk.

Mine has even withstood a lime juice spillage with no ill-effects. I think a cold wash on one of these would even sort out your beer if you're quick enough!
Im going to be picking a few of these, everyone loves em.

Bah, they have gone up by 2 quid from when i brought my first, oh well still cheap for the ammount of mat you get :)
Yep just ordered two myself, better be as good as people keep saying! Given the short supply I ordered will in advance of my new builds just in case ;)
I've been waiting for this for months - finally! I sure hope that OcUK have put in another order NOW, so that when they run out of stock in January/February the supplier might have them sent to OcUK by then!
is it possible to cut a boogie matt with a craft knife does anyone know? i'm looking to mod one for custom desk i made :D

I just tried it with my mat (well now they have promised me stock I can try it),
I have an angled desk and the corner of the mat always used to flap about driving me mad. Market the underside with a piece of chalk and scored it with a Stanley blade. Works fine. Make sure your blade is nice and sharp.
I just used the wife's lighter to cauterize the edges, kept it at a fair distance and just swiftly swept by the edge and any frays sealed themselves up. I'm unsure if its needed if you were to use a sharp knife (mine snagged unfortunately hence the need to seal it), the wife also suggested using a small amount of nail varnish.. but I just fancied burning something
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