Dead Mans Shoes - British Cinema At It's Best

11 Apr 2004
I watched Dead Mans Shoes last night on Film 4. Wow!! It puts Hollywood to shame and shows just what the british film industry can achieve on a tiny budget. The Films grim, dark and at times violent though the violence is never out of proportion. I highly recommend looking out for this one as I'm sure it'll be shown again soon on film4. The film is £4 on amazon at the min. Anyone else seen this? What did you think?
Really amazing film, I've not heard anybody speak a bad word about it. Paddy Considine for best British actor ;D!
Truely amazing film.
Paddy C. is a fantastic actor/writer.
If you haven't seen this film - do everything you can to watch it.
"what the **** you looking at?"

"You ya ****!"

love this film. had it on dvd since it was released. classic
Hedge said:
"what the **** you looking at?"

"You ya ****!"
Classic quote!

Really good film, only annoyance is the poor film reel effect on the black and white bits. Narrative and storyline are top notch.
Best film i have seen in the last few years. Had it on dvd since released and have watched it the most out of any other dvd in my collection.

Shame medows 'director' actually filmed some new stuff just up the road from my uni house last year near mr. B's kebab shop in lenton, notts :D SOme 80's thing apparently.

I recommend 'A room for romeo brass' which is another excellent shane medows film with good old paddy considine stealing the show again.

O b.t.w anyone notice which actor mentioned above is in the new arctic monkeys video :D
Enjoyed it very much, nice little twist. Will have an indepth look on the net tommorrow to see what i can about it, the actors etc.
Oh man I love this film, watchd it about 2 years ago when it came out on dvd. I only justed ordered it on Monday from HMV in the sale for £4.50

Every single scene in this film is amazing, the script is stunning and so is the acting.

I was blown away by it.

Gary Strech is in the new World Trade Centre film :eek:

I love the bit where they are driving around in the green 2CV :p
Hedge said:
"what the **** you looking at?"

"You ya ****!"
The way he replies actually sent a shiver down my spine the first time I watched it; quite a powerfully delivered reply!
Had to watch that scene several times :).
I caught this the other night and was pleasantly surprised.

It had a bit of everything in it, comedy and violence. The acting also seemed so natural. Like someone else said, some British films put Hollywood to shame.

I noticed someone called Gary Stretch was in the film. Isn't he an ex-pro boxer?
fozzybear said:
I caught this the other night and was pleasantly surprised.

It had a bit of everything in it, comedy and violence. The acting also seemed so natural. Like someone else said, some British films put Hollywood to shame.

I noticed someone called Gary Stretch was in the film. Isn't he an ex-pro boxer?

I don't know but judging by his nose, i guessed he was a boxer. lol
fozzybear said:
I caught this the other night and was pleasantly surprised.

It had a bit of everything in it, comedy and violence. The acting also seemed so natural. Like someone else said, some British films put Hollywood to shame.

I noticed someone called Gary Stretch was in the film. Isn't he an ex-pro boxer?

Aye, come from St Helens he was known as the pretty boy of boxing.
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