I finished assembling another watch.

Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
EDIT: see pics at the end of the thread for a new one!

Hello, I just finished my second homebuilt project watch. I wanted something black just because I haven't got a black watch.

It is based around a 2824-2 ETA automatic movement - I changed the date wheel to black. Case diameter is 38mm. Strap is black aligator. Sapphire glass and exhibition back.

Thought some of you who like your watches may be interested in seeing it.



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wow that is very nice. Simple plain and a non metal strap.

Do you make the cases? Or is it like a computer you buy stuff that fits together and assemble and mod what you want?
wow that is very nice. Simple plain and a non metal strap.

Do you make the cases? Or is it like a computer you buy stuff that fits together and assemble and mod what you want?


Works exactly like PC building, buy parts and mod away. Pick a movement first, that dictates what cases will fit, different size cases need different diameter dials, movement dicates what hands will fit but these have to be matched to the dial diameter and so on. Careful shopping pays off just like with PC gear.

I would love to work my own case but not sure I've got the skills or patience just yet. :)

Works exactly like PC building, buy parts and mod away. Pick a movement first, that dictates what cases will fit, different size cases need different diameter dials, movement dicates what hands will fit but these have to be matched to the dial diameter and so on. Careful shopping pays off just like with PC gear.

I would love to work my own case but not sure I've got the skills or patience just yet. :)

Good work, how hard is assembling it and got any links to where you can by cases?
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That's a cool watch and must be great to wear it knowing that you built it :)

Are the parts new or are they salvaged from other watches?

thanks, it is nice knowing you put it together and it is probably pretty unique

In this case it's all new stuff but I have got my hands on a nice 1950s case from the bay (£2!) and I'm looking out for a suitable movement.

Good work, how hard is assembling it and got any links to why you can by cases?

it's not that hard, there are places you can make mistakes (cutting the winding stem for one) and you need to keep the workspace clean as dust and smudges are a PIA. Helps to have a movement holder to keep everything steady and you need to wear finger collets (or in my case marrigolds:p) whenever you touch the dial.

otto frei is very good place to start as they do quite a few kits which match the movement to the case etc. and take out some of the headscrathcing (haven't used them but know they are meant to be good):






That's really cool. Can I ask how much it cost in total, and do you have any special tools for putting it together?

Thanks, about £120 (movement was about £55 of that, strap I got in a sale for £15 which is cheap as it is aligator, case about £30, dial and hands about £20 or thereabouts)

I have a movement holder, hand removers and hand placing tool and strap tools, tweezers, file. The only thing you absolutely can't do without is needle nose pliars - for the first watch I did all I had was pliars and tweezers and a stone file and it was OK, just not as easy.
Is that ETA movement used in Tags?

yes and a whole list of other major brand watches - it's known as a solid workhorse and can be regulated to be pretty accurate (I have a tag with a tag branded version of this in which I have had for almost 15 years)
Cool, case looks like it's based on a Chronoswiss design.

May be, very similar, but I think Chronoswiss' whole design is driven by classic watch design from the early 20th century and this case's look is a pretty classic old style pilot with pumpkin crown (that said it could have come out of the back door of the chronoswiss factory for all I know!;))
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