Facial hair growth :D

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30 Aug 2005
The M of K
right i want to grow a beard :D now ive been grwoing for a month and it seems its got ato a reasonable lengh but then died so i shaved it all of last night , a lot of people at work seem to suggest that shaving more often increases the growth just wondering if this is true?

anytips on thicker longer facial hair!? ;)


Apply to face.
yea i was told this also when we did sex ed. at primary school. i believe its true tbh. as one day my hairs on my chin were softy and then the next few weeks it became like a porcupine tree.
Depends, you can leave it on all night but that might get your pillow a bit messy, I think they recommend about an hour but the longer the better.
stig said:
hang on wont mustard like burn my facial hair of? cummon guys be serious!
Nah it's fine honestly, it's not like you're putting tabasco sauce on your face, that would sting!

Some mild English stuff should work fine :)
why do you want a beard anyhow? and what age are you? as it aint gonna happen if your 18-20 years old without some extra help ;)
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