XBOX 360 PGR3 Photo Gallery

2 Mar 2004
Please post you PGR3 images in here i will start with this rubbish quailty pic it was taken using a mobile phone on a standard TV :D

So i would like to see some high quality pics on HDTV etc

i will post better pics soon when my new monitor arives and i get my digital camera

I uploaded that via my phones cable

Never thought about sendng them straight over from my 360

Can it be done ?
looks blinding what it play like. Preorder my advanced one at me local inderpendant game store but was 40th on da list of only 20 360's recieved so lets hoping before crimbo :eek:. Only want the advanced one though i think they got about 4 of though's
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dean_ham said:
Looks lurvley... How do u get the pics to the pc, is it the same as GT4 on ps2, upload via USB stick or summin?

Take a pic with my digicam! :) Not seen a way of transferring them yet ALA GT4 which is a tad annoying :/
Can you turn of the blurring on the backgrounds as its a tad unrealistic, would put me off getting a 360 as pgr3 would be a main reason.
Jabbs said:
Can you turn of the blurring on the backgrounds as its a tad unrealistic, would put me off getting a 360 as pgr3 would be a main reason.

no it isnt - try panning with a dslr camera a speeding car and then look at the resulting shot - background would be blurry, both from motion and focal point.
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