Hazro 26" Help

6 Oct 2008
Hello, to keep a long story short:

I've been using the 24" Hazro Wi until it packed up resulting in my needing a replacement, Hazro are however out of stock on 24" and have offered me the 26" version, all I want to know is, is the 26" version as good as the 24" in terms of quality etc? I really don't know a whole lot about in-depth monitor specs, hoping one of you can help me out. I need to know quite soon so I can let them know :)
They're basically the same except the panel has a matte finish instead of a gloss finish (and it's 2" bigger, obviously). There also seem to be fewer people having issues with green snow and the like.

I'm very happy with mine (after the 2.1 update), and I use it with an ATI card.

Unless you really really want a gloss finish (not sure why anyone would, but some people seem to prefer it), or have a tiny desk with no extra room I'd say enjoy the free upgrade!
I do prefer the gloss finish, to me in gives a nicer "window" like appearence to natural images and as I work with photos a lot it's a very pleasing look - as if the subject is right there in front of you - something I really liked on my mate's NEC 20WGX2 back in the day as my Dell 2007WFP was matte finish.

The 26" is otherwise, as mentioned, exactly the same.
Alright, thanks! Although I too prefer the gloss finish I'm not too bothered about that, I was more worried that the monitor may have a surplus of problems that the 24" did, good news in that case :)
I suppose, yes the colours are a little brighter, but the H-IPS panel IMO compares well even to CRTs despite it's matte finish. (and I mean good CRTs, I used to use a hideously expensive Barco CRT that a publishing company threw out from their pre-press department)

For me if I use a gloss LCD, the only "window" like appearance is the appearance of the actual window in the room behind me reflected on the screen :(

Edit: I don't use them for photo work though.
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