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Nvidia Forceware Developer Drivers 263.06

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
New and Improved CUDA Libraries

CUBLAS performance improved 50% to 300% on Fermi architecture GPUs, for matrix multiplication of all datatypes and transpose variations
CUFFT performance tuned for radix-3, -5, and -7 transform sizes on Fermi architecture GPUs, now 2x to 10x faster than MKL
New CUSPARSE library of GPU-accelerated sparse matrix routines for sparse/sparse and dense/sparse operations delivers 5x to 30x faster performance than MKL
New CURAND library of GPU-accelerated random number generation (RNG) routines, supporting Sobol quasi-random and XORWOW pseudo-random routines at 10x to 20x faster than similar routines in MKL
H.264 encode/decode libraries now included in the CUDA Toolkit
CUDA Driver & CUDA C Runtime
Support for new 6GB Quadro and Tesla products
New support for enabling high performance Tesla Compute Cluster (TCC) mode on Tesla GPUs in Windows desktop workstations
Development Tools

Multi-GPU debugging support for both cuda-gdb and Parallel Nsight
Expanded cuda-memcheck support for all Fermi architecture GPUs
NVCC support for Intel C Compiler (ICC) v11.1 on 64-bit Linux distros
Support for debugging GPUs with more than 4GB device memory

Support for memory management using malloc() and free() in CUDA C compute kernels
New NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) support for reporting % GPU busy, and several GPU performance counters
New GPU Computing SDK Code Samples

Several code samples demonstrating how to use the new CURAND library, including MonteCarloCURAND, EstimatePiInlineP, EstimatePiInlineQ, EstimatePiP, EstimatePiQ, SingleAsianOptionP, and randomFog
Conjugate Gradient Solver, demonstrating the use of CUBLAS and CUSPARSE in the same application
Function Pointers, a sample that shows how to use function pointers to implement the Sobel Edge Detection filter for 8-bit monochrome images
Interval Computing, demonstrating the use of interval arithmetic operators using C++ templates and recursion
Simple Printf, demonstrating best practices for using both printf and cuprintf in compute kernels
Bilateral Filter, an edge-preserving non-linear smoothing filter for image recovery and denoising implemented in CUDA C with OpenGL rendering
SLI with Direct3D Texture, a simple example demonstrating the use of SLI and Direct3D interoperability with CUDA C
cudaEncode, showing how to use the NVIDIA H.264 Encoding Library using YUV frames as input
Vflocking Direct3D/CUDA, which simulates and visualizes the flocking behavior of birds in flight
simpleSurfaceWrite, demonstrating how CUDA kernels can write to 2D surfaces on Fermi GPUs
Windows developers should be sure to check out the new debugging and profiling features in Parallel Nsight v1.5 for Visual Studio at www.nvidia.com/ParallelNsight.

Please refer to the Release Notes and Getting Started Guides for more information.

In CUDA Toolkit 3.2 and the accompanying release of the CUDA driver, some important changes have been made to the CUDA Driver API to support large memory access for device code and to enable further system calls such as malloc and free. Please refer to the CUDA Toolkit 3.2 Readiness Tech Brief for a summary of these changes.

Note: The developer driver packages below provide baseline support for the widest number of NVIDIA products in the smallest number of installers. More recent production driver packages for developers and end users may be available at

WinVista/7 64


WinVista/7 32


WinXP 64


WinXP 32


May need a modified inf , haven't tried them!. However i have used developer drivers before with no problems what so ever in games
UPDATE , apparantly these are great drivers for Black Ops players!

yea they added COD BO profile, it was the same with splitsecond it ran allot better after they added its profile..
+1 for BO, my quad sli works with no crash on game exit now

If you run sli or mgpu these are a must have for BO.
These drivers fixed COD:BO and SLi scaling is a lot better, tanx nvidia

Everything works nicely my end too , some nice gains in benchmarks and games
UPDATE , apparantly these are great drivers for Black Ops players!

Everything works nicely my end too , some nice gains in benchmarks and games

Did they make much of a difference to you? Im running GFX drivers 260.99 (latest i think?) but will definitely install these too when im home and give them a try.
These drivers seemed to have cleaned up the fonts with FF 4.0 beta 7 and hardware graphics acceleration :D Awaits more confirmation, unless it's new drivers syndrome. There definitely seems to be less colour banding, and the font looks crisper.
Have yet to try them, did you need to modify the inf Bony? or did the installer just work right from the get go?

Going to give these a crack tonight to see if i get any improvements in BO what so ever.
Cool will give them a crack tonight, not updated the forceware drivers since my install ... Are these only like beta drivers then (sorry for my ignorance) as they are listed as "developers drivers"

What does this actually mean?
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