LG D2342P 23" Passive 3D Widescreen LCD Monitor

30 Jul 2006
4090 on 850w = BOOM
Hi explain this monitor. Why it's better than my Asus with 3d vision and what it does better than what I've already got.

Alternatively tell me why this is rubbish and why what I've got is amazing compared to this stupid new technology.

Discuss! (I know nothing about this monitor but am intrigued and have some cash spare)
Looking at this review, it's pretty poor for 3D.

3D performance: The D2342P is the first computer monitor to use LG's proprietary 3D technology, eschewing Nvidia's 3D Vision Kit, which is used in most 3D monitors.
When watching movies or playing games on the D2342P, we found the 3D wasn't as pronounced and we didn't get the same sense of depth we do with Nvidia's technology.
In games, we saw more than a fair amount of ghosting, where less detailed doubles of images appeared next to the main image, in characters and text on screen. Also, we noticed in Black Ops that whenever we looked through the scope of our gun, the screen would completely blur for as long as the scope was up.
3D pictures on the D2342P looked as good as 3D pics seen through Nvidia's glasses on other 3D monitors. The pics warped appropriately and changed viewing angles when we moved our heads around.
Overall, this is a cheaper alternative to the Nvidia 3D Vision Kit, but it doesn't deliver as high-quality a 3D experience.

Also, the passive technology only gives you half of 1080p per eye - while with a 120Hz monitor and the nvidia kit you get the full 1080p per eye.

Also, you can't play games in "2D" at 120Hz on this monitor.
I was following this monitor with interest. Once I found out it wasnt 120hz I forgot about it. Shame they missed a trick here LG, at least they have the LGW2363D - thats selling like hot cakes it seems.
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