PC Won't Power Up After Rebuild

4 Jan 2010
Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire
Hi all,
Just put my machine back together after carrying out some mods to my case, and my machine will no longer power up. The PSU and CPU fans spin for roughly a second and then nothing. This only happens once, and I have to switch the PSU off and on, then the same again.

Have pulled both GFX cards, tried both single sticks of RAM, now just have the Motherboard, CPU and RAM, with the 24 and 8 pin Mobo connectors in place, everything else is disconnected. Help!?

All thoughts and suggestions much appreciated.
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If the clearCMOS dont work, try removing the RAM, powering up, shutting down, then fitting a single RAM stick in the furthest slot away and then move it closer to the CPU one slot at a time. Powering up in between.
Well obviously it wont do a thing without RAM fitted, read the post again.

Power up without RAM, then fit a stick to the furthest slot away and power up, if no joy move it increasingly closer to the CPU.
Sorry, did do that with the RAM as you said, my response doesn't make sense that way!

I should probably mention that i've braided all the single wires on my PSU. I've checked the pin outs and they seem ok, can someone please link a pin out diagram for the 24 pin and 8 pin ATX connectors to check it against (one that is definitely correct!)?
Daft suggestions but is it worth checking the power and reset switches aren't sticking. One of the things I found was that when painted they became quite tight in their holes and were prone to sticking even though they appeared fine.

if it's not that then my guess would be a loose wire somewhere amongst all those you've braided. Not what you want to hear I know, seems quite likely.
This only happens once, and I have to switch the PSU off and on, then the same again.

Sounds like a bad PSU, I had the same symptoms. If you hold the power button for 4+ seconds will that "reset" it, i.e. as if the PSU was turned off and on ?
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