Doom BFG edition strange problem

3 Oct 2009
I have Doom 3 BFG edition and tried playing the original doom through it. There's is a small problem, see if you can spot it:


Yes, everything is reversed. If I try to go left, it goes right, and vice-versa. Really, the developers have to be commended for coming up with such a novel extra difficulty mode! Now if only I get get the normal mode back...

Seriously, has anyone seen this and have any idea how to fix it? Might it be something to do with my running multiple monitors and eyefinity?
Seriously though, OP... have you attempted to disable your other monitors and output to a single display and try running the game?

I would hazard a guess that it is related to your multi-monitor set up and this would either confirm that or rule it out.
Thank you five.stars, that did the trick! For the first frame anyway. Can you do that 60 times a second?

I have tried the doom forum at steam, but haven't had a reply there.

I will try with disabling eyefinity soon. I just fired doom up for a lark, and wasn't that fussed (I'd normally play via one of the windows ports). I was just surprised at what I saw and wondered if anyone else had seen it or if there was a simple fix.

Hence my good natured reaction to all the oh-so-helpful responses. :)
The looking through the mirror suggestion is almost practical. It could work if I set it up right!
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