How do I fix this DIY fail?

16 May 2008
My son has just managed to pull a curtain rail off the wall leaving great big holes where the hooks screwed in to.

Would you seasoned DIYers refill the holes with polyfill and screw into that once it's dry, or is there a better way?

Use polyfilla but build it up in layers allowing it to dry between applications. For the final layer, smooth it of with a wet filling knife, allow it to dry before sanding it level with the existing surface.
You can fill the hole with filler, & as already mention set the bracket slightly off to the side.

But I would then drill a deeper hole into the brick work, use wall plugs & longer screws to secure the bracket, a much more secure fixing than into plasterboard.
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It fell off because the screws didn't even touch the brickwork.

You know when you buy something and the manufacturer includes some screws?
Always throw those away and use something about three times as long and twice the diameter.

Massive overkill is only ever 1p more expensive.
It fell off because the screws didn't even touch the brickwork.

You know when you buy something and the manufacturer includes some screws?
Always throw those away and use something about three times as long and twice the diameter.

Massive overkill is only ever 1p more expensive.

Exactly, just fill the holes and redrill into the brick
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