Russia has lost a satellite full of geckos

Did they chose geckos because they have built in gravity boots? I can't help thinking that creatures that can't walk upsidedown on freakin glass would have made a better better experiment
Geckos in Space


Soon in a galaxy near you.
Good news:

Roscosmos successfully restored communications with Foton-M at 4:05 UTC on Saturday, but details on what caused the loss of uplink were not given. It is unknown how stable communications are and if the problem could occur again at some point in the mission. Telemetry from the spacecraft remains nominal, indicating that all experiments and systems are still operating according to plan. Roscosmos said in a statement that teams were investigating the causes of the problem to ensure the mission will not be hit by a communications drop out again.

For those interested, an overview of the satellite and experiments:
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indicating that all experiments and systems are still operating according to plan

They still knockin' boots then?

Also can we turn this thread into which female (or male) celebrity you would like to be sent to space with to determine the effects of zero G on bow chicka wow wow? I would choose Jennifer Lawrence
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