What do you mean one is about the hunt for a treasure ship the other is about the hunt for a chronometer?
Starting out at sea, with pirates going after a ship, with a guy onboard with a secret, who gets killed. Other guy basically pretending to be something he's not, both memorise something to use as a tool to stop the pirates killing themselves. Some woman leading the commerce on the island, etc, etc.
it was VERY similar, the actual secret, chronograph or treasure, is finer detail. The general sequence of things happening was so hilariously copied as to be laughably stupid. Make a new pirate show, months after another new pirate show, the first in many many years, and almost have a scene for scene copy of the first episode?
AS for the quality, while Blacksails just seemed to be fairly poor cast in terms of acting ability, this seems better cast but very overly hammy. The action was poor, the ships just coming together with not much external action of the chase. Then you had the cringe worthy moments where woman jumps down, smiles/poses for the camera a few times, does the back to back thing. I thought the general action, fighting, ship action, was all terrible.
The obviousness of the flirting and the frolicking in the water at the end under the husbands watch was weird. The being shot in the shoulder then seemingly almost forgotten with a loose bandage seemingly in the wrong place with no apparent bullet wound and well, ignoring how bad being shot in the chest would be in that era.
Really weird, I'll watch another ep or two, but it seems poorly written, overly hammy and the action wasn't at all good.