Asus A8N-SLi SE nForce4 SLi PROBLEM!

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

Ok I have a problem with my Asus A8N-SLi SE nForce4 SLi (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (thats MB-101-AS on overclockers).

The small fan that I think covers the nForce4 SLi chip is going down the pan. It keeps making loud whirling noises... and its doing it as we speak. Its very loud and very annoying... and as I write this its getting louder :)

The fan I mean is circled on the pic below:


Its screaming at me at the moment, but if I give the side of the pc a bash it stops. But sometimes it them starts up again.

Im gonna give it a bash now....... and its stopped and silence is back :)

My question is what can I do about this, without getting a replacement? I suppose I can't unplug the damn thing cos then my SLi chip will fry I assume... even thou i only use one card?

I mean this mobo was only £80+ which wasnt too bad, and if I have to buy a new mobo then I suppose I will... but it wont be an asus again!

Any recommendations will be appreciated!

The fan isn't totally necessary unless your loading it like in a SLI setup, you could always get a replacement like the Akasa chipset fan, they just stick right on. Would need a multimeter to find out what temps its running at, if its not to high maybe the fan isn't necessary.

I'm getting this board in a few weeks just interested in how it runs.. :p
Well this isnt a good start if you are getting this board :) I also have another problem, where i get no signal sent to my monitor every now and then... it could be my graphics card, but on the other hand it could be the mobo :)

Suppose theres no way to know what temp the chip is at at the moment is there without a multi? Its a rick unplugging it, but if it keeps making that noise its going!

But after saying that I might get me one of those chipset fans... im gonna order the Artic Cooler 64 for my X2, so might get one of those too... its only a couple of quid!

All of the A8N range with chipset fans were known for having this problem. I believe Asus are now shipping them with different fans (which are fine), but looks like yours didn't get one. I think Asus will replace the fan (free) if you give them a ring.

Otherwise you could replace it with a Zalman NB47J passive cooler, works well from what I've heard. There's a tutorial on how to install it here:

The actual heatsink is on OCUK here:

This is a known problem with the Chipset fan on the A8N boards. I had to get mine replaced. I contacted Asus who sent me out a replacement fan free of charge. Replacement fans look different (so they must have realised and redesigned them), they are a lot queiter than the original one that came with the board. You do have to take the board out to fit it which is a bit of a pain .... but i've not had a problem since my replacement was fitted 3 months ago.

Asus motherboard support is only by email BUT I contacted their Notebook support dept on 0870 1208340 who took my details and emailed me a form to fill in and email back to them with motherboard serial, address etc.

The replacement took 4-5 days to arrive. Hope that helps.
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