OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" RESULTS

18 Oct 2002
Wickford - dark and scary
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Five - "Emotion" RESULTS

WINNER: Gregeff

Gregeff also receives a bronze award for a maximum ten points from one judge.

Total scores for the round
Photographer           Tech    Theme   Impact    Total
Gregeff                  26       26       28       80
danza                    23       24       22       69
mrk                      25       20       23       68
hoodmeister              22       19       23       64
lowrider007              21       22       21       64
yak.h'cir                21       21       21       63
Psilonaught              22       20       20       62
titchard                 20       20       21       61
growse                   21       18       21       60
Colin_da_Killer          19       22       19       60
Combat squirrel          18       22       19       59
Richard T                18       22       18       58
cyKey                    19       20       18       57
Mohain                   18       20       19       57
TerraS                   16       20       21       57
cmt                      20       16       20       56
Shadow Phoenix           19       18       19       56
olv                      17       21       18       56
antc                     17       19       20       56
stuart38                 18       19       18       55
Rojin                    19       16       19       54
TomWilko                 21       12       20       53
stu.artd                 19       16       18       53
southy1978               17       19       17       53
groovyf                  17       18       18       53
Pickers                  17       17       19       53
ranarama                 15       20       18       53
AdWright                 18       17       17       52
A random name            17       19       16       52
dod                      15       20       17       52
themask70                17       16       18       51
philio16                 16       19       16       51
Sp00n                    15       19       17       51
PaulStat                 15       18       18       51
matty                    20       14       16       50
Blackvault               16       17       16       49
nolimit                  16       17       16       49
Raymond Lin              15       17       17       49
DRZ                      19       12       17       48
brocksta                 17       16       15       48
King_Boru                16       16       16       48
DreederOcUK              15       18       15       48
Burlsey                  15       16       17       48
MichaelG                 14       19       14       47
Broadbandplacey          18       10       17       45
converse_uprise          16       16       13       45
Cybermyk                 15       16       14       45
Vipernet                 13       16       16       45
Simian                   15       16       13       44
Gamefreak501             14       13       15       42
nero120                  17       10       13       40
[OZ]                     15       14       11       40
LeoWyatt                 15       12       13       40
Takhisis                 10       15       14       39
A.N.Other                16        7       15       38
wunkley                  12       14       12       38
Joe T                    12        7       10       29

Technical marks
Photographer           Tech    Theme   Impact    Total
Gregeff                  26       26       28       80
mrk                      25       20       23       68
danza                    23       24       22       69
Psilonaught              22       20       20       62
hoodmeister              22       19       23       64
lowrider007              21       22       21       64
yak.h'cir                21       21       21       63
growse                   21       18       21       60
TomWilko                 21       12       20       53
titchard                 20       20       21       61
cmt                      20       16       20       56
matty                    20       14       16       50
Colin_da_Killer          19       22       19       60
cyKey                    19       20       18       57
Shadow Phoenix           19       18       19       56
Rojin                    19       16       19       54
stu.artd                 19       16       18       53
DRZ                      19       12       17       48
Combat squirrel          18       22       19       59
Richard T                18       22       18       58
Mohain                   18       20       19       57
stuart38                 18       19       18       55
AdWright                 18       17       17       52
Broadbandplacey          18       10       17       45
olv                      17       21       18       56
antc                     17       19       20       56
southy1978               17       19       17       53
A random name            17       19       16       52
groovyf                  17       18       18       53
Pickers                  17       17       19       53
themask70                17       16       18       51
brocksta                 17       16       15       48
nero120                  17       10       13       40
TerraS                   16       20       21       57
philio16                 16       19       16       51
Blackvault               16       17       16       49
nolimit                  16       17       16       49
King_Boru                16       16       16       48
converse_uprise          16       16       13       45
A.N.Other                16        7       15       38
ranarama                 15       20       18       53
dod                      15       20       17       52
Sp00n                    15       19       17       51
PaulStat                 15       18       18       51
DreederOcUK              15       18       15       48
Raymond Lin              15       17       17       49
Burlsey                  15       16       17       48
Cybermyk                 15       16       14       45
Simian                   15       16       13       44
[OZ]                     15       14       11       40
LeoWyatt                 15       12       13       40
MichaelG                 14       19       14       47
Gamefreak501             14       13       15       42
Vipernet                 13       16       16       45
wunkley                  12       14       12       38
Joe T                    12        7       10       29
Takhisis                 10       15       14       39

Theme marks
Photographer          Theme     Tech   Impact    Total
Gregeff                  26       26       28       80
danza                    24       23       22       69
lowrider007              22       21       21       64
Colin_da_Killer          22       19       19       60
Combat squirrel          22       18       19       59
Richard T                22       18       18       58
yak.h'cir                21       21       21       63
olv                      21       17       18       56
mrk                      20       25       23       68
Psilonaught              20       22       20       62
titchard                 20       20       21       61
cyKey                    20       19       18       57
Mohain                   20       18       19       57
TerraS                   20       16       21       57
ranarama                 20       15       18       53
dod                      20       15       17       52
hoodmeister              19       22       23       64
stuart38                 19       18       18       55
antc                     19       17       20       56
southy1978               19       17       17       53
A random name            19       17       16       52
philio16                 19       16       16       51
Sp00n                    19       15       17       51
MichaelG                 19       14       14       47
growse                   18       21       21       60
Shadow Phoenix           18       19       19       56
groovyf                  18       17       18       53
PaulStat                 18       15       18       51
DreederOcUK              18       15       15       48
AdWright                 17       18       17       52
Pickers                  17       17       19       53
Blackvault               17       16       16       49
nolimit                  17       16       16       49
Raymond Lin              17       15       17       49
cmt                      16       20       20       56
Rojin                    16       19       19       54
stu.artd                 16       19       18       53
themask70                16       17       18       51
brocksta                 16       17       15       48
King_Boru                16       16       16       48
converse_uprise          16       16       13       45
Burlsey                  16       15       17       48
Cybermyk                 16       15       14       45
Simian                   16       15       13       44
Vipernet                 16       13       16       45
Takhisis                 15       10       14       39
matty                    14       20       16       50
[OZ]                     14       15       11       40
wunkley                  14       12       12       38
Gamefreak501             13       14       15       42
TomWilko                 12       21       20       53
DRZ                      12       19       17       48
LeoWyatt                 12       15       13       40
Broadbandplacey          10       18       17       45
nero120                  10       17       13       40
A.N.Other                 7       16       15       38
Joe T                     7       12       10       29

Impact marks
Photographer         Impact     Tech    Theme    Total
Gregeff                  28       26       26       80
mrk                      23       25       20       68
hoodmeister              23       22       19       64
danza                    22       23       24       69
lowrider007              21       21       22       64
yak.h'cir                21       21       21       63
growse                   21       21       18       60
titchard                 21       20       20       61
TerraS                   21       16       20       57
Psilonaught              20       22       20       62
TomWilko                 20       21       12       53
cmt                      20       20       16       56
antc                     20       17       19       56
Colin_da_Killer          19       19       22       60
Shadow Phoenix           19       19       18       56
Rojin                    19       19       16       54
Combat squirrel          19       18       22       59
Mohain                   19       18       20       57
Pickers                  19       17       17       53
cyKey                    18       19       20       57
stu.artd                 18       19       16       53
Richard T                18       18       22       58
stuart38                 18       18       19       55
olv                      18       17       21       56
groovyf                  18       17       18       53
themask70                18       17       16       51
ranarama                 18       15       20       53
PaulStat                 18       15       18       51
DRZ                      17       19       12       48
AdWright                 17       18       17       52
Broadbandplacey          17       18       10       45
southy1978               17       17       19       53
dod                      17       15       20       52
Sp00n                    17       15       19       51
Raymond Lin              17       15       17       49
Burlsey                  17       15       16       48
matty                    16       20       14       50
A random name            16       17       19       52
philio16                 16       16       19       51
Blackvault               16       16       17       49
nolimit                  16       16       17       49
King_Boru                16       16       16       48
Vipernet                 16       13       16       45
brocksta                 15       17       16       48
A.N.Other                15       16        7       38
DreederOcUK              15       15       18       48
Gamefreak501             15       14       13       42
Cybermyk                 14       15       16       45
MichaelG                 14       14       19       47
Takhisis                 14       10       15       39
nero120                  13       17       10       40
converse_uprise          13       16       16       45
Simian                   13       15       16       44
LeoWyatt                 13       15       12       40
wunkley                  12       12       14       38
[OZ]                     11       15       14       40
Joe T                    10       12        7       29

Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme

Awards are made for scoring one or more perfect 10s:
Bronze: Scoring 10 from one judge in one category
Silver: Scoring 10 from two judges in one category
Gold: Scoring 10 from three judges in one category
Stats and season standings are up!

Many congratulations to Gregeff on winning the round.

Congratulations also to all the improvers on the previous rounds:
Name          Improvement
olv                    22
ShadowPhoenix          16
hoodmeister            12
southy1978             11
lowrider007             9
Takhisis                9
Raymond Lin             9
growse                  8
danza                   8
gregeff                 7
cmt                     5
yak.h'cir               2
Pickers                 1

And congratulations to those who improved on their average:
Name          Improvement
gregeff             11.60
olv                 11.00
ShadowPhoenix        8.00
danza                8.00
cmt                  5.50
mrk                  5.00
lowrider007          5.00
Takhisis             4.50
hoodmeister          4.40
growse               4.00
Richard T            3.40
Psilonaught          2.50
antc                 2.40
yak.h'cir            1.50
TomWilko             0.80
southy1978           0.75
dod                  0.50
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nice one richday and to all the other judges.

well done to gregeff, a fine photo you took there.
Woohoooo, went up to 60. Although last time I thought my entry was rubbish and still got a 51. Still. Improvement is always good thing.

Congrats to all :)
Woooo! Cheers guys! And a big thankyou to the judges! (especially the one who gave me a 10 ;) hehe)

Right, well I guess I'll have to choose the next theme now then so we can all get out there photographing again! :)

Anyone have any awsome ideas for a theme??

The few thoughts i've had are:

slow motion

Let me know what you think,

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Congrats Gregeff, well done and well deserved. Thanks to all the judges for the time. However, I do find some of the results a bit odd. Its a bit odd the 2 shots using the same concept can get different theme marks. Nothing to do with the technical or impact results. It just seems odd.
Gregeff said:
Anyone have any awsome ideas for a theme??

The few thoughts i've had are:


Let me know what you think,


how bout Vegas...... or desert or dry??

nothing to do with the fact am off there soon :o
well done to the winners :)

could someone please post my scores and placing, I dont have interet yet in my new house so am stuck with gprs that doesn't want to render the code sections
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