trying to find my "FSB limit"

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
Ive decided to try and o/c my A64 3000+ Venice and try and see if i can get 2.5GHz out of it at least

reading Jokester's sticky about "how to find max fsb"

on my DFI Lanparty UT Ultra-D
I can not change the multiplier, so instead i can up the FSB, currently on 215, but when i change the DRAM ratio to 133 or 166, im still stuck at 1935 MHz and wont go down to 1.8 GHz (unless of course i choose the standard FSB @ 200

am I changeing the wrong one?

any other help / advice much appriciated
Reading the "DFI Website guide to Overclocking" has been really good

now ive found my FSB limit, trying to get my RAM limit but i am confused

anyway, to everyone reading this who has a 3000+ venice overclocked, can u list what fsb\HTT\Ratio\multiplayer u are running at ? thanks

I have managed to get my FSB upto 280 (but using RAM Ratio of 100 MHz)

now trying to find what my RAM can do.

When I put the RAM Ratio back to 100 MHz, and put my multiplyer down to 7 (as in the DFI guide to find max ram) my highest FSB is 220

9 x 220 = 1980

surely I can go more ?
I think you should try and find out how high your CPU can go first and with what voltage. I say this because CPU speed is the most important thing and obviously the FSB (HTT) speed you use is also going to affect thedivider you use and speed at which the RAM runs.
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