Project : HalfLife 2 - wavemaster

no, i think it is a very good idea, Please Keep us updated, just!! dont **** it up, as they are still good case's

Good Luck

EDIT: Maybe you Could buy the side case? as it will be really hard to put half life 2 on there
With the window an idea would be to cut out the general shape and then have the logo and 2 as an etch/stencil on the window itself?

Should look good once it's done. Have you tested the paint on something else/an unimportant part to check the colour and if it stays?

Have to give you credit for having the guts to spray a wavemaster, couldn't do it myself would be like shaving a dog....
I certainly wouldn't use a hobby tool to cut those edges. Can you use a desk saw type thing? (jigsaw etc)

Personally I would buy a cheap second hand PC case and do a test run...why bodge a nice brand new case. If you have zero or little experience with cutting/finishing/spraying.
The general shape of the logo will be cut and then the inner logo/circle and 2 are going to be cut out of aluminium and stuck on in place.
Yeah i tried it on an older aluminium case and it stays fine. Itll probably have another coat of clear coat over the top aswell to help it stay.

I think a dremel would be good enough as the side panels are extremely thin, about 0.8 or 1mm i think.
Great idea. You could do the window then put the stencil on, but the way you plan to do it would look amazing and unique (if done correctly!)
WHen using rattle can paints, its always a good idea to invest in soem tack rags, and a pad of grey scotcjhbrite - £2 will see you for those.

as for the clear coat. if you insist on using one out of an aerosol, ive found halfords clear laqueres to be amongst the best. but id really reccomend popping it down to a car body shop and gettign them to laquer it with propper catylised 2 pack laquer.

Good luck with it !

p.s 1000 grit may be a lil too much, 1500-2000 is usualy whatss used, rub 2 bits of 1000 togeather, and that will give you a better result, and remember to SOAK the wet and dry. never ever ever use it dry !
Thanks for the replies.
And thanks a lot R B Customs for the tips, Ive now sprayed my mouse (A cheap microsoft one) Orange to match the case :D

Ill post up some pics later when its finished.
tbh you won't get a goot circular cut from a hobby drill. Do you know of sheet metal workers? (laser cutting) For a fee they'll do it for you.
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