Thought I'd bump this one back up save opening a new thread.
I wrote off my Subaru WRX STI Type UK Hatchback 2008 with 26,000 miles on it off a couple weeks ago (having only owned it since August 2015).
It also has the Prodrive Performance Pack optional extra which is around £1200
I paid £15,000 for it with a full service included, had FSH and in great condition so I was happy with that price.
I've had a settlement figure / first offer from Admiral today
Market Value: £11500 minus excess.. £10800
How should I go about asking for more? Or am I being unreasonable?
I definitely do not expect £15,000 back at all. But I was hoping for more around the £13,000 mark which could help me get closer to the same model with less than 50k miles.
The lowest price same model is £11800 which has 10,000 more miles and does not have the PPP.
As it stands on ebay I cannot find any with less than 50,000.
On Autotrader the closest one I can find, though 2 years newer but with 25,000 and PPP is £16000.
Thought I should mention that I do intend to buy back the car from them and then either scrap it myself or sell it on to a scrapper which should bring me a minimum £3000 back, but I'm yet to ask how much they for me to buy it back.