Quick mod i did today :-D

19 May 2005
I was ordering a keyboard from a competitor a few days ago andf thought id get a Biohazard stainles steel fan grill as there cheap. I didnt like the shape of it but knew it would be easy enough to change the shape with my fine selection of tools aka Dremel. It took a couple of hours but im happy with the resluts, i might even get an Akasa Evo120 cpu cooler and put a blue coolermaster fan on it and do another biohazard fan grill to match.


Stock shape.


Trimmed with the jiggery pokery saw to make the spikes thinner.


Final shaping with the Dremel, then edges were polished.


Looking good, although I would prefer a normal grill personally.

Or a normal grill but aluminium..... yummy!
Cheers people, i was just messing about because i was bored really, i didn't like the look of the stock grill so thought id have a go at reshaping it. I'm going to get a few and then mod one onto the CPU cooler. Might be using an Akasa Evo33 or Evo120 so ill get an 80mm and 120mm grill, should look nice.

Ohh and i purchased some blue 5mm LED's from ebay a few days ago and Ive just swapped out the green 3mm led in my old CD rewriter with a nice bright blue one, just as a test run really before i do it on my pioneer and NEC DVD writers. It took me about 25 mins tops :) , there will be no end to the blueness now :D , I'm even thinking of swapping out my monitors LED. Ill post some pics up tomorrow of the mod.


Old 3mm green LED


New blue 5mm LED, i had to get rid of the little black housing as the new led is much bigger but itll still work the same.


Then the exess wire was cut back and the LED soldered into place, also i stuck a piece of tape behind the LED so it doesnt short out on the motor behind.


And the results of 20 mins of work :) , this is just my old pc, im going to do this to my black dvd writers in my Akasa eclipse case.

Ye i removed loads of material from the spikes to make them thinner at the ends, it doesn't show up as good in the picture but it looks miles better in da flesh trust me. Ive just sleeved the rest of my wires with black braided sleeving and installed the Akasa cooler i was talking about, I'm shaking like Stevens, i hate replacing the HSF after last time i did it :eek: .

As my new case (Lian Li PC-7+) is going to be sitting side by side with my Akasa Eclipse i thought id change the power led to blue to match, job took about 5 mins to do and it looks so much better than green.





cheers guys, i hate green led's, theres just 1 left in my moniter but im abit reluctant to change that :eek: , i might have a go at some point.

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