Could you spare me 5 minutes? (aimed at gym-goers)

15 Feb 2003
Hi all,

Some of you may remember a similar post I did a while ago asking a single question to judge the feasibility of my final year project - to create an application to run on a PDA to enable users to easilly track their excercise sessions. I got positive feedback and decided that my project plans seemed reasonable.

A few months down the line and I have successfuly coded my application and am now at the point whereby I need to test it, however I have very little data to validate against.

What I need is some ideas about "typical" gym usage habbits (frequency of visits, duration of visits etc).

I have put together a small questionnaire that should take around 5 minutes to complete and wondered if anyone would be willing to fill it in for me.

The questionnaire is available for download as either a Rich Text Format or plain text document. If you decide to fill it in, please delete all inappropriate answers and email me the document back (my email address is in the document).

Thanks for your time

RTF file (37Kb) - right click and save target as...

Plain text file (6Kb) - right click and save target as...

edit: alternatively if it's easier, fill it out on a form on a webpage...
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have you heard of the TGS? Its by techno gym and does just that, monitors what machine you have done what on, including weights/reps or distances for cardio and includes excercises and so on. Afaik its only Virgin Active who do this though and if anyone is like me I tend to keep it in my head/dont bother wasting time with these apps :P

*edit* oh yea make it on a webpage, much more people will answer then :P
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You could do with moving that Previous button if possible, I nearly clicked back instead of submit :p
it tells me to skip Q5 but when submitting it tells me 5 must be completed

done it regardless :]
Q15 doesn't have vaild answers.

Do you have a set of exercises you perform on different days, for instance, targeting different muscle groups on different days of the week

The answer is no because I do full body workouts with mostly the same exercises each time but there's no option for that only yes, sometimes or I have no plan: none of which are relevant.
That's a definate oversight on my part, thankfully I don't think the answers to that question will skew what I take from the results, I'll be sure to mention it in the analysis however.

Thanks guys :)
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