Anyone mind helping a N00b overclock his X2 3800+?

23 May 2005
I've read the specific guide thread stickied but all the options seem to be more complicated now, also read the specific 3800+ oc's thread but theres no mention of how you actually do it, just the results. So so far all i've done is increase the HTT by 5mhz to 205mhz x 10, giving 2.05Ghz. This already increased my score in 3dmark05 by 300 points, from 9656 to 9954. But I know to properly increase it you need to mess around with other stuff, including memory? etc. Trying to get maximum performance for when oblivion arrives later this week. So any help will be much appreciated!
I've got an arctic 64 pro cooler btw
You have got the basic idea there with the HTT.

Find the divider on the ram and set it to 180 or 166 so when you increase the HHT it takes the memory out of any stability issues at this point.

find the HT multi, (not the CPU multi) set this to 4x doing this will stop you crashing your system at like a HHT of 210

Then basicaly up the HHT more and more until it becomes unstable and add the smallest step up in voltage to the CPU (watch the temperatures)

Thats the basics. :)
Ok cheers, that sounds a little more straightforward. I tried just ramping the HHT to 210 without altering anything else and it started crashing in games so i guess the memory divider setting is important, so will change that and see how far it goes. Will report back soon!
Having trouble finding the divider in BIOS, basically the only thing that I can find with values near to that is the Memclock index value, which is currently set at 200mhz, but can be lowered to 166mhz,133mhz,100mhz, but can also be raised to 216mhz,233mhz,250mhz. So is this the divider?
Also theres a 1T/2T memory timing currently set to T2, should I change this to 1T? Just I've seen this figure as one to use.
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Set it to T1 and 166Mhz and away you got again to higher the clock speed :)

You need to lower the memory speed so that it doesnt effect the CPU overclock and you do have to many different options as to why it isnt stable.
Thanks Jimbo, that thread contained a lot of useful information.
Sagaboy, yer thats what I did and so I increased my HTT right up to 225mhz with no problems, 39oc was maximum temp under load and completed tests, also upped my 3dmark05 score to 10456!. If i've worked it out right, at a HT mulitplier of 4x, i can increase the HTT to 250 whilst keeping the overall HTT to 1000mhz.
Haven't needed to increase vcore yet, I think next step will be to 235HTT, and go from there.
On the memory side, is it better to have tighter timings or a higher clock for performance? Obviously when I reach my prime CPU clock, I want to switch attention to the memory side. Anyone have any experience with geil value RAM and what it can take?Cheers
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