Prom Tonight

21 Jan 2006
Bideford, Devon
I have just had my hair done :D
Haven't got any pics yet because the stupid digital camera needs new ones, but as soon as they come I will put pics up!
Also gotta get my dress dropped off, omg so excited!! :p :p
I will put pics up soon! :D
hehe have a good time, do you have a date :)?

Our prom was quite good, only time in my life ive had to dress up really really smart! I even learnt what a cumberbund was!
megzy said:
:eek: NO!!
Better not :(




Andr3w said:
hehe have a good time, do you have a date :)?

Our prom was quite good, only time in my life ive had to dress up really really smart! I even learnt what a cumberbund was!

I refused to wear a cucumber.
have a good time, but why are so many schools having proms? should be sent back to the states with trick or treating rammed up its **** :mad:
when i was 16 my prom was ok, obv we couldnt drink so we stood in the toilets drinking whiskey out of hip flasks, we could only afford a limo there, so after walking home we walked the streets in suits with cans of fosters, happy days lol

my prom when i left 6th form, aged 18, was class, took me gf and had a right good night, everyone was drunk, but the best thing was it was at St James Park, lol i loved being in shearer's bar with my suit on

AND i actually styled my hair that night
Just got my jewellry sorted aswell :)
Black beady necklace and beady earrings :p
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