Best way to get my pictures on the net?

12 Sep 2005
I have about 2 gig of photos I might want to put online

I have enough webspace but they are all 2-5mb each and would take too long for most people to download.

Um, do they have to be full resolution pictures? The obvious solution would be to batch re-size the pictures to a more manageable size for displaying on screen (eg 800x600).
iBot said:
NAh 2592x1944

people like big photos
Do they really? Are you encouraging people to take them and print them for their own use? Remember, they are your copyright.
Well, there's not much you can do to reduce file sizes without reducing the image size or applying some serious compression, which would make the images appear awful.

Don't know quite what you're asking for then.
Well Im sure if they are good people wont mind to wait for them to download.

If you are putting them on a site why not make some smaller preview images, then link those to the full versions, that way its easier for them to browse.

Why not compromise and resize to 1280x??? then it's big enough for wallpaper but reduces file size also.

Why not buy a Flickr account for $25-then it's unlimited upload I think, also there is a handy program called Flickr Uploadr which can resize and upload batch style.

I think thats your best bet, then get your family to join Flickr so you can share them etc
ok. realistacally, nobody likes viewing massive photos on the web. You either a) end up viewing a tiny portion of the photo at 1:1 or b) zoom out till its all in view. And whichever one you end up doing you still have to wait for this massive photo to load.

Photo's on the net dont need to be any more than the average screen res. 900x600 - 1136x852 and around about's is pretty much spot on for web viewing, less if you only want privews. upload full photos and people either wont bother or rip your work off.
no trust me, people love pictures which make the image scroll horizontally.


Anyway, What I ment was...

"I have some pictures which are large (2592x1944) and big (few mb) I want them to look good online while loading quickly and not being too big.
iBot said:
"I have some pictures which are large (2592x1944) and big (few mb) I want them to look good online while loading quickly and not being too big.

Obviously you didnt read the previous posts :rolleyes: . This is something that cant really be done. You have to sacrifice quality in order to have quick download times. You are better off shrinking the images and getting on with it.

Nobody will want to sit there waiting for an inmage to download to find out they have to scroll through it or it shrinks to the size of an 800x600 equivelent.

You are truly wasting your time.

For the love of god, people DO NOT like waiting an age for an image to load only to find that its bigger than the monitor they want to view it on by several feet at their chosen resolution!

I certainly hate scrolling, everyone else in this thread hates scrolling so why make people refuse to bother with your photos?

Look at just about every photo forum on the web, look at the maximum res they allow. There arent many that allow photos that wouldnt fit into an 800px x 800px box.
Image size doesn't really bother me.

I can wait a few seconds for a large image to download - with a screen res on a single monitor of 2304x1440 I generally don't need to scroll much either.

I believe that I am an exception to the rule though.

The images I put up are scaled down to 33% original - I aim for a maximum image size of 1000x1000 and a maximum file size of 500kb

I frequently break that though. *whistles innocently*

It think it is fair to say that most people use either 1024 or 1280 resolutions.

I would also get quite disheartend (sp) if I was trying to look at pics online that were almost twice my usual desktop size.

I would personaly recomend using a program / web host such as Photo Bucket or Flikr with smaller pics (800 res or perhaps 1024) and give the option somewhere on your site to allow people to directly download the pics at the original and much larger size.

Some people, do use bigger resolutions such as Flibster but i think that is not the norm.
I recently uploaded my photos to Msn myspace thingy

And I like the way it uploaded them and resized them

BUT I hate live space.

Is there anything I can install to my site (php w/a mysql database) which automaticly makes thumb nails of everything but allows people to see the image in all its glory?

Something like this

Edit: Also what do you think of my photos/ All the newones are in 03 september

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