The 24 Clock

2 Nov 2006
I' had a good look through google images but I cant find what i'm looking for. I would an image of the 24 clock as shown in the 5 seconds between some of the scenes in the program.

Can anyone help?

Skunkworks said:
Tell me exactly what you want and I'll knock it up for you. Digits, Res, Colour etc.
its this


Size is fine, as high res as you can get using the colours (its yellow on black) each digital number 0-9 would be great, thanks
Moredhel said:
If you read it fully, you'll find he does link to the font. It's called LCD and is here for €34.50.
why would anyone pay 34 euro for a font thats about 90% similar to another free font?
Skunkworks said:
Let me know if you need any changes.
You didn't read the link above, the 1's are missing a serif at the top that technically, if it were a real clock shouldn't be there...... or some such! :p
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